Працював в 3 компаніях 3 роки 11 місяців
Middle Node.js Developer
1 рік
12.2023 - 12.2024
CDFi (back-end) (commercial) - backend developing of a crypto trading Web App for comfortable and reliable trading on several crypto-exchanges. This project features its own Smart Trade Bot, Dashboard with deep balance and trading info, making trade signals for trader, its own token (CDFi), quests you can complete to earn the CDFi token. Technologies used: Node.js + TypeScript, WebSocket, Redis, AWS Lambda, AWS Dynamo DB, Nodemon, Web3.js, Jest, Inversify (DI library)
Node.js Developer
2 роки 1 місяць
09.2021 - 10.2023
MediKinect (back-end) - (commercial) - backend development of a server to allow smooth and reliable feedback of doctors and patients. Technologies used: NestJS + TypeScript with GraphQL query language support, PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4 as DBMS.
Health Mentor (back-end) - (commercial) - backend development of a server for an app for personal trainers and health coaches. Technologies used: Express.js + TypeScript with GraphQL query language support, Knex.js as SQL query builder, PostgreSQL with Sequelize ORM and PgAdmin 4 as DBMS.
Dixo-backend (internal) - an internal project of Diversido company aimed at creation of advanced project template you can start from. Technologies used: NestJS + TypeScript with GraphQL query language support, Knex.js as SQL query builder, PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4 as DBMS. In addition, created several ADR docs regarding GraphQL and the project, built unit-tests via Jest.
SST (Safe Sedation Training) (back-end) - (commercial) - An online simulation platform for healthcare practitioners. Tecnhologies used: Express.js + TypeScript with GraphQL query language support, Knex.js as SQL query builder, PostgreSQL with Sequelize ORM and PgAdmin 4 as DBMS.
Cali's Books (back-end) - (commercial) - a companion app for an electronic book reader . Technolgies used: Strapi CMS + TypeScript, Knex.js as SQL query builder, SQLite 3 with Better Sqlite3 library, Github CI/CD, GCP and Docker for deployment.
Junior Node.js Developer
Devima Solutions
7 місяців
01.2021 - 08.2021
Real Estate (back-end) (intern project) - backend developing, first experience in coding of REST API, Express.js, Node.js with Typescript and MongoDB + Mongoose ODM, working with Git (Github), Express.js.
Devima CRM v2 (back-end) (internal) - backend developing of an updated CRM system of Devima Solutions, forging skills in Express.js, Node.js with Typescript and MongoDB with Mongoose ODM stack and MongoDB Compass as DBMS.
B-tech Market (back-end) (commercial) - backend developing of an international marketplace for refurbishing old devices and by a new one with the discount with the possibility to buy a new one. First commercial experience of using Express.js, Node.js with Typescript and MongoDB with Mongoose ODM and MongoDB Compass as DBMS.
Alariss Job Portal (back-end) - (commercial) - backend developing of create a job portal to recruit new employees for companies. Technologies used: Next.js + TypeScript, PostgreSQL with Sequelize ORM and PgAdmin 4 as DBMS.
Ключова інформація
Proficient at:
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize ORM
- Express.js
- AWS S3
- Docker
- Google Cloud Platform (App Engine)
- Knex.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose ODM
- NestJS
- GraphQL
- Writing Technical Documentation
- Investigation of Technologies
- Postman
- Strapi (Koa.js Framework)
- Git
- Communication with the team
- Jest.js
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Dynamo DB
- Redis
- WebSocket
- Web3.js
- Inversify (DI)
Навчався в 2 закладах
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Інженерія Програмного Забезпечення
Львів, 2021
Навчально-Виховний Комплекс №9
Хмельницький, 2017
Володіє мовами
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Додаткова інформація
Особисті якості
- Коммунікабельна людина
- Завжди радий допомогти в скрутну хвилину
- Легко вливаюсь в компанію
- Завжди радий новим знайомствам
- Весела та щира людина
Дмитро Вікторович
Дмитро Вікторович
Middle Node.js Developer

повна зайнятість
Характер роботи: віддалена робота
Оновлено 2 місяці тому