Працював в 2 компаніях   10 місяців


C++ intern



3 місяці

05.2023 - 08.2023

As part of a project to develop a cross-platform application for the CMS admin panel for the sports news portal, I made a significant contribution to various aspects of the project:

Qt: - Graphical interface: Actively worked on the development of the graphical interface using the Qt framework. My efforts are aimed at creating a simplified and user-friendly interface for authorized users, enabling them to effectively manage the content and appearance of the website.

Poco: - Network operations: Used the Poco library to work efficiently with network tasks. Implemented processing of HTTP requests, data encryption and formatting for transmission, providing reliable communication between client and server.

Microsoft SQL Server: - Database: Used Microsoft SQL server to design and create the required database tables. Provided effective access to data and interaction with the server through the relational database management system.

Client-Server Architecture: -Graphic Application: Actively participated in the development of a graphic application that allowed users to interact with the system through a convenient interface.

- Remote server: Participation in the development of a remote server responsible for processing user requests and implementing business logic.

- DAL (Data Access Layer): Actively participated in the creation and maintenance of the data access level, simplifying the interaction with the database and providing the necessary interface for the server interaction.

C# trainee



5 місяців

10.2022 - 03.2023

Experience in development of ASP.NET (MVC) projects, with focus on parsing and processing of diverse information from various sources. Efficient use of JSON for data sharing and processing. Experience working with databases. The main responsibilities include working with the API of air alarm maps to obtain up-to-date information. High efficiency in data parsing and subsequent processing for further use in the project. Confident skills working with various data sources, including user input. General responsibilities include the implementation and optimization of data parsing, processing and storage processes to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the display of information in the web application.

Ключова інформація

MSSQL • PostgreSQL

C++11 •C++14 •C++17 •C++20

QT•VS Code•Visual Studio




SpecFlow • TDD • GTest • NUnit

HTML • CSS • JavaScript

Linux • Windows



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Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"

Прикладна математика

Львів, 2025

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Tech Course UJP C++ 2023

Львів, 2023


C++ developer


20 років

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