Працювала в 2 компаніях   3 роки

IT, Інтернет

UI/UX Designer



1 рік 10 місяців

09.2022 - до теперішнього часу

E-commerce design 
Conducting research on user needs and analyzing the competitive environment 
Defining our target audience and creating detailed user personas based on their needs and behavior 
Development of user interface (UI) layouts taking into account design principles 
Work on the appearance and style of the user interface
Design of desktops and mobile applications

UI/UX Designer



1 рік 1 місяць

08.2021 - 09.2022

Ключова інформація

A creative and passionate design individual who works in front end and user experience (UI/UX) to develop intuitive and aesthetically pleasing products. I`m focus on creating design that meets user needs and supports brand identity.I'm not just looking for a job - I'm looking for an opportunity to be inspired and grow in a cool team of professionals. I am ready to constantly expand my knowledge through participation in workshops, workshops and exchange of experiences.
Strong skills

Design for e-commerce:Development of work with design for e-commerce, including the creation of effective interfaces for online stores and increased conversion.
Deep understanding of UI/UX:

I have a deep understanding of the principles of interface design and koristuvatsky knowledge, which allows me to create products with a high level of koristuvak friendliness and aesthetics.
High level of use of design tools:

I have extensive experience using Figma for UI/UX development. My expertise in this tool includes: autolayout, components, prototyping, ui-kit, transfer of layout preparation to developers.
Evidence in responsive design:

I evidence the development of adaptive interfaces that are optimized for different devices and screen sizes, ensuring a uniform user experience on all devices.
Knowledge of technical aspects:

Understanding the technical aspects and capabilities of web development helps us create realistic and functional designs that are easily implemented by developers.
Analytical skills:
The ability to analyze data on the interaction between customers and the product and use this information to improve the design and improve customer data.
Communication skills with clients and team:
Communicate clearly and effectively with clients and team members, which is conducive to the successful completion of projects.
Remember to work in the minds of strict deadlines:
The evidence of work in the minds of a limited hour allows me to effectively work on time and achieve results instantly.

Володіє мовами





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Figma Autolayout Workshop in Projector Online Institut


Figma Components Workshop in Projector Online Institut


Offline event Design as a Human , Genesis Upace


Web Design Junior in Projector Online Institut



UX/UI Designer


1 200 $

33 роки

повна зайнятість

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