Працював в 2 компаніях   3 роки 2 місяці


Full Stack Developer



2 роки 2 місяці

10.2021 - 12.2023

I was responsible for creating solutions for the company's products.
Developed business logic for backend and frontend applications.
At the company, I acquired solid knowledge and practical skills in working with JavaScript/TypeScript and Node.js. As a result, I have excellent experience designing and implementing system and microservice architectures, APIs, and data models. Additionally, had hands-on experience in performing DevOps tasks of deploying and managing applications in production environments. I know how to use Docker and Redis. I am fluent in Git and have knowledge and experience in CI/CD implementation.
Additionally, I have gained experience and skills in working with many databases including MongoDB/PostgreSQL. I have worked extensively with various AWS services and gained experience in infrastructure management.
When it comes to frameworks for implementing Node.js backend solutions, I have gained hands-on experience and a good understanding of Express.js/Nest.js.
When it comes to UI development, I have good hands-on experience using React, Next.js, Electron, AngularJS. I am well versed in HTML, CSS, SASS/LESS, Jade/Pug and have a deep understanding of the DOM. I am fluent in jQuery and have experience using Babel, Webpack, Bootstrap, npm/yarn and the Jest library to write unit tests. I also had some experience in mobile development with Dart/Flutter on a few small projects.

Front End Developer



11 місяців

11.2020 - 10.2021

I was involved in the layout of landing pages and the development of a web application for small businesses (including an online store - the first commercial experience gained in the front-end development of a project from start to finish, with an admin panel and a base on Firebase).
Gained first practical experience and development skills using JavaScript, React/Redux/Hooks, HTML, CSS, sass/less, material/bootstrap, firebase/heroku.

Ключова інформація

___ Tech Skills___:
JavaScript/TypeScript, Node.js (Express/Nest), Angular/React/Next/Electron, Dart and Flutter (strong junior level)
CoffeeScript, Lodash, jQuery Docker, CI/CD, Redis, Cron,HTTP/HTTPS, REST API, WebSocket, Databases support (MongoDB/PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQLite), Experience with many AWS services (s3, cdk/cloudfront/cognito user pool, oauth2),
Support of Cloud infrastructures (Firebase, Heroku, AWS CDK),
Git, Jira. Linux/Mac/Microsoft systems and tools Postman/Swagger.
___Soft Skills___:
Time management, Teamwork Adaptability, Problem solving, Attention to detail, Analytical thinking, Interest in constantly learning new skills, versatility, patience.

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

IT Academy Step

Вінниця, 2021

It was a two-year offline Front-end course in which I completed many practical tasks and several tutorial projects using various solutions to create user interfaces. At the end of the course, I received an offer from the Danish product company Prezentor.


Программист Node.js


1 200 $

31 рік

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, стажування / практика, сезонна / тимчасова робота

Оновлено 5 місяців тому