Працювала в 3 компаніях   8 років 2 місяці


Android developer

International Fintech(Banking and Trading)


1 рік 10 місяців

12.2022 - до теперішнього часу

Android developer

Beeline Uzbekistan


3 роки 7 місяців

05.2019 - 12.2022

- Developing the Beeline Uzbekistan project, which is used by 5 million users

- Develop new features and support the project

- Developed many features such as Gigabytes for steps, Melody for ringtone, Virtual Visa card, BeelineClub, Invite a friend, Stories, etc.

- Made a complete redesign of the application

- Translated 20% of the old Java code to Kotlin

- Collaborated with the project manager to determine the timing of the task

- Collaborated with backend and iOS engineers to develop REST API contracts

- Collaborated with the designer regarding the design of the application

- Actively participate in meetups. Research and try to offer modern and best solution

- Mentored a newly hired developer to the team

- Project is written on the MVVM architecture. Libraries and frameworks that are used in the project: Conductor framework (instead of Fragment), RxJava, OkHttp, Retrofit, ExoPlayer, RxPermission, RxLocation, RxBinding, SumSub Core, Dagger, Glide, Lottie, Biometric, Google Play Services Fitness,Google Play Service Auth, Google Maps, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase Analytics,Google Play Core, WorkManager and etc.

Android developer

Self employed


2 роки 8 місяців

09.2016 - 05.2019

- I was looking for orders on various freelance platforms and orders through friends

- Engaged in the development of orders for the basis of technical requirements from the customer

- Most of the orders were developed by one. Rare cases worked in teams with 2-3 Android developers.In general, I had to work in teams of 3-8 developers, project managers and designers.

- Collaborated with backend and iOS engineers to develop REST API contracts

- Sometimes I developed from scratch, sometimes I supported the developed code

- Advised developers when they needed help

- I wrote code in Kotlin, Java based on Clean Architecture (MVVM, MVP) and had to use differentlibraries and frameworks. For example some of them are RxJava, OkHttp, Retrofit, Glide, FirebaseRealtime Database, Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Storage, FirebaseFunctions, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Room, GreenDao, Google Admob, etc.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

National Aviation University

Faculty of Computer Science

Киев, 2017

Володіє мовами


вище середнього




нижче середнього

Додаткова інформація

Свой раздел

At the moment I live in Uzbekistan in the city of Tashkent.


Android developer


5 000 $

31 рік

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 4 місяці тому