Працювала в 4 компаніях   18 років 10 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Нерухомість та Девелопмент, Торгівля роздрібна / Retail, Послуги для населення - інше

Збирач даних, інтерв'юер-interviewer


Недержавні організації / NGO

1 місяць

08.2023 - 09.2023

- Organizing meetings at all levels and conducting interviews at data collection sites with sample groups and key informants.- Collecting information using appropriate technical devices.- Processing the information entered in accordance with instructions.- Evaluating and conducting initial analysis of the collected information.- Preparing reports on the progress of the program.

Facilities manager

LLC "Finprom.Invest"

Нерухомість та Девелопмент

6 років 11 місяців

09.2016 - 08.2023

Real Estate and DevelopmentWas responcible for: Conclusion of lease agreements and additional agreements to them (according to the standard form). Making changes in accordance with the terms of the contract. Closing of the reporting month in Velkit. Delivery of asset accounts to tenants. Control and verification of accruals on accounts. Checking payments, working with debtors. Concept of testimony of natural persons at the object. Drawing up a report on gas. Drawing up a report on water. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of all fixed objects. Acceptance of premises after repair and construction. Planning of income and expenses for the object. The object is visited daily according to the regulations. Lists to service providers and tenants. Receiving applications from tenants and monitoring their implementation. Work with cleaning (verification of completed work, organization after repair work and general cleaning). Cooperation with security companies and fire alarm contractors. Preparation of reports for fire safety inspection. Carrying out work on the inspection of all firefighting devices (fire extinguishers, hoses, cranes) Conducting financial issues regarding acts of completed works. Reporting. Accounting of working hours. Direct work with large tenants. Search and purchase of TMC. Compilation of defective acts and signing by the guilty party. Interaction with communal services (contract, d/u). Acceptance of technical documentation after construction or reconstruction. Organization of corporate events.

Selling Consultant

"SPOLEM" Powszechna Spoldzielnia Spozywcow w Bochni

Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

1 рік 4 місяці

03.2022 - 07.2023

Retail Was involved in: Display of goods, quality control of goods, control of prices and expire dates of goods. Advising the client on all products in the store. Ordering goods from the warehouse.

IGE Engineer

PSC "Kharkivgorgaz "

Послуги для населення - інше

11 років 9 місяців

12.2004 - 09.2016

Services for the public are differentControl over compliance with labor protection and fire safety at workplaces. Conducting various types of briefings (introductory, unplanned, targeted, etc.) Ensuring the completion of work. Maintenance of technical documentation. Workforce management. Ensuring the rational use of equipment and labor on the site. Issue of uniforms. Quality control of work performance. Control of the remaining amount of materials in the warehouse. Conclusion of maintenance contracts. (Office, Word, Excel, Internet)

Ключова інформація

I have experience in managing a team of more than 25 people. Ability to persuade and negotiate. Good organizational skills. Ability to remain calm in stressful, conflict and non-standard situations. Responsibilities.

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy in the name of Beketov (Kharkiv)

Heating, gas supply and ventilation engineer

Kharkiv, 2012

Kharkiv State Agrarian and Economic University in the name of Dokuchaev (Kharkiv)

Breeding genetics.

Kharkiv, 2003

Володіє мовами









Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

"Psychological support in the community"

Kharkiv, 2023

Basic humanitarian standards, principles of operation, concepts and structure of CBPS and MHPSS activities.

Додаткова інформація

Страница в соц. сети





43 роки

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