Працював в 5 компаніях   21 рік 11 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Промисловість та Виробництво, Державний сектор

Senior Security Officer

Право на захист

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 7 місяців

02.2023 - до теперішнього часу

  • Establishing and maintaining close relationships with security related stakeholders.
  • Working in an interdisciplinary team on non-routine issues such as evacuations, relocations, medical emergencies, or military activities that threaten the safety of foundation employees.
  • Conducting ongoing assessment of access routes and resources for daily programming and contingency planning.
  • Conducting routine security surveys of office areas and facilities.
  • Conducting physical security inspections of facilities, including shelters and bomb shelters.
  • Ensuring employees are fully briefed on issues affecting their safety and security.
  • Preparing military and disciplinary incident and incident reports as required.
  • Supporting the Security Coordinator in implementing policies and procedures and preparing contingency plans.
  • Conducting routine inspections of vehicles, offices, and warehouses. Conducting briefings and trainings on safety, security, fire safety, first pre-medical aid. On the safe operation of mobile groups.

Specialist in CBRN safety (chemical, bacteriological, radiation and nuclear safety)


Недержавні організації / NGO

5 місяців

10.2022 - 03.2023

  • Ensuring chemical, radiation and bacteriological safety of the mission personnel.
  • Development of evacuation plans in case of CBRN incidents.
  • Preparation and equipping of shelters in case of CBRN incidents.
  • Conducting a security analysis of the territories, depending on the changing situation, in the areas where the mission operates.
  • Conducting dosimetric monitoring in the areas where the mission operates.
  • Developing and conducting trainings on CBRN incident threats, personnel actions in case of CBRN incidents, conducting practical trainings on actions and use of means of protection against CBRN hazards.
  • Providing evacuation and protection means against CBRN incidents to the mission personnel.
  • Provision of rescue kits, control over their issuance and use

Projects: Dnipro, Dnipro oblast, Donetsk oblast, Kryvyi Rih, Kherson oblast, Lviv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr.

Head of the production department

Period of work

Промисловість та Виробництво

10 років

01.2012 - 01.2022

Work in the production:

  1. Master of the workshop Sep 2019 - Feb 2022 (2 y 6 m) Kakhovske KP KTP
  2. Director Dec 2018 - Sep 2019 (10 m)LLC Storiks
  3. Head of the production department Jul 2017 -Dec 2018 (1 y 6 m)LLC RVTGroup
  4. Head of the production department June 2014 - Nove 2014 (6 m) LLC Green Team
  5. Shop foreman Jan 2012 - June 2014 (2 y 6 m) LLC Green Team

Head of the emergency rescue unit

Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine

Державний сектор

7 років 10 місяців

03.2004 - 01.2012

  • Accounting for potentially dangerous facilities
  • Development of emergency response plans for potentially dangerous facilities
  • Development of evacuation measures for civilians
  • Training of subordinate personnel
  • Personnel management, control and organization of work
  • Organization of operation and maintenance of vehicles
  • Organization of enterprise supplies and property control
  • Communication with large audiences and leaders of various ranks
  • Fire and industrial safety, safety of potentially dangerous (chemically hazardous) enterprises
  • Participated in the detection and disposal of ammunition

State Inspector of Fire and Technological Supervision

Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine

Державний сектор

2 роки 4 місяці

03.2002 - 07.2004

  • Prevention and mitigation of fire and industrial hazards at enterprises

Ключова інформація

  • Ability to work in a team, experience in managing a large team.
  • Ability to react quickly and act in difficult conditions.
  • Experience in evacuation and rescue operations.
  • Experience in managing a team (unit) in extreme conditions.
  • Experience in carrying out preventive, preventive measures for the safety of employees and civiliansWindows, MS Office, Internet - advanced user, 1-C - familiar with the section "Warehouse accounting".
  • Ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise in any conditions.
  • Ensuring labor discipline and labor safety.
  • Sociability, negotiation, integrity in key points.
  • Stress resistance, ability to learn new realities, dedication, patience.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля Національного університету цивільного захисту України

Пожежна безпека, Управління персоналом

Черкаси, 2002

Володіє мовами







Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

INSO-Humanitarian Environment Individual Safety Training(HEIST)


INSO -First Aid Training


Hostile Environment Awareness Training - Smart Risk Solution



Security Officer, CBRN Specialist


Готовий переїхати: Київ, Дніпро, Кривий Ріг

60 000 грн.

47 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Оновлено 1 тиждень тому