Працювала в 5 компаніях   11 років 3 місяці

Фінансові послуги, Інтернет


Under NDA

Фінансові послуги

1 рік 3 місяці

04.2023 - до теперішнього часу

1. Administrative management.

2. Legal Advisory.

3. Legal Documentation and Review.

4. Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Law (IP/IT).

5. Financial monitoring, risk assessment.

6. Other

Chief Legal Officer


Фінансові послуги

2 роки 8 місяців

08.2020 - 04.2023

1. Administrative management:

  • staff recruitment, team building;
  • training materials preparation, staff training;
  • planning and coordination of divisions (KPI, monitoring of the department and staff performance efficiency);
  • preparation of a Company's internal documents together with heads of departments;
  • adjustment and optimization of different business processes;tax optimization;
  • preparation of investment presentations for domestic and foreign markets;
  • general coordination of the departments work (the structure includes payment systems, financial companies, payment infrastructure operators, a processing center, a bank).

2. Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Law:

  • legal support in the registration of trademarks, amendments to certificates of ownership to trademarks for goods and services;
  • preparation of license agreements for different types of intellectual property.

3. Corporate Law:

  • legal support, consultations, due diligence, preparation of draft documents related to the establishment, reorganization, liquidation of companies, changes shareholders.

4. Contract Law:

  • development of commercial contracts of all types, negotiations, entering into provisional contracts, letters of intent, memoranda of cooperation, organization of executing and signing of contracts, support in the process of notarization of contracts, enforcement of performance of contractual obligations, dealing with claims and support in litigation processes.

5. Banking and Financial Law:

  • issues of income taxation in different jurisdictionsfull:
  • legal support for the launch of the bank's mobile application and internet banking;
  • risk assessment.

Head of legal department


Фінансові послуги

11 місяців

09.2019 - 08.2020

  • staff recruitment, team building;
  • planning and coordination of divisions (KPI, monitoring of the department and staff performance efficiency);
  • preparation of a Company's internal documents together with heads of departments;
  • adjustment and optimization of different business processes;tax optimization;
  • financial monitoring, customers identification and verification, risk assessment
  • general coordination of the departments work.

Head of Legal Department


Фінансові послуги

1 рік 7 місяців

01.2018 - 08.2019

  • staff recruitment, team building;
  • planning and coordination of divisions (KPI, monitoring of the department and staff performance efficiency);
  • preparation of a Company's internal documents together with heads of departments;
  • adjustment and optimization of different business processes;
  • tax optimization;
  • financial monitoring, customers identification and verification, risk assessment;
  • general coordination of the departments work.

Chief Legal Officer



4 роки 7 місяців

07.2011 - 02.2016

1. Administrative management:

  • staff recruitment, team building;
  • training materials preparation, staff training;
  • planning and coordination of divisions (KPI, monitoring of the department and staff performance efficiency);
  • preparation of a Company's internal documents together with heads of departments;
  • adjustment and optimization of different business processes;tax optimization;
  • preparation of investment presentations for domestic and foreign markets;
  • general coordination of the departments work;
  • issues of income taxation in different jurisdictions.

2. Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Law:

  • legal support in the registration of trademarks, amendments to certificates of ownership to trademarks for goods and services;
  • preparation of license agreements for different types of intellectual property.

3. Corporate Law:

  • legal support, consultations, due diligence, preparation of draft documents related to the establishment, reorganization, liquidation of companies, changes shareholders.

4. Contract Law:

  • development of commercial contracts of all types, negotiations, entering into provisional contracts, letters of intent, memoranda of cooperation, organization of executing and signing of contracts, support in the process of notarization of contracts, enforcement of performance of contractual obligations, dealing with claims and support in litigation processes.

Навчалась в 3 закладах

Інститут інтелектуальної власності Одеської національної юридичної академії у м. Києві

Інтелектуальна власність та право

Київ, 2007

Київський університет туризму, економіки і права


Київ, 2006

Київський технікум готельного господарства

Судово-правовий факультет

Київ, 2004

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Академія фінансового моніторингу

Київ, 2021

Фінансовий моніторинг

Business Consulting Academy


Digital Law

Інститут арбітражного управління

Київ, 2010

Арбітражний керуючий


Head of legal department, Chief Legal Officer, Chief Operation Officer, Head of Compliance


40 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

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