Працювала в 2 компаніях   26 років 1 місяць

Недержавні організації / NGO, Освіта

CHW, Specialist in population protection

,,UK-Med''. ,,Modern orientation''

Недержавні організації / NGO

5 років

09.2019 - до теперішнього часу

Teacher, Head of the day department

School, college


24 роки

09.1998 - 09.2022

Ключова інформація

Diligence, responsibility, punctuality, self-control, empathy, critical and creative thinking

Навчалась в 1 закладі

GDPIIM, am studying for a master's degree at KhNUVS

a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, in 2025 I will graduate with a master's degree in practical psychology

Харків, 2001

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Certificate,, For participating in Building a Better Response e-Learting course''

Харків, 2024

Consideration of humanitarian principles and standards. Types of humanitarian organizations

Humanitarian Enviroment Individual Safety Training (HEIST)

Львів, 2024

Certificate ,,Mental health and mental health awareness groups''

Полтава, 2023

Consideration of increased sensitivity of the body to repeated psychological effects on it

Certificate,,Help with chemical poisoning''

Харків, 2023

Consideration of signs of poisoning and provision of first aid

Сеrtificatе,,First psychological aid''

Харків, 2022

Addressing a set of skills and knowledge that can be used to help people under stress due to exposure to crisis events

Certificate ,,Establishing quality communications''

Слов'янськ, 2021

Psychosocial support of the population through emergency response to the needs of the population affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine

Certificatе,,A lesson in media literacy''

Слов'янськ, 2021

А lesson based on the methodological materials of UNICEF on the ability to use information and communication technology, express yourself and communicate using media

Тraining,,Domestic violence prevention''

Київ, 2021

Types of domestic violence, prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence and punishment

Certificatе,, NATO is an alliance of possibilities''

Київ, 2021

Alliance program to enhance interoperability with interested non-NATO countries.

Training of Instructors, Explosive Ordnance Prevention Training (EORE)

Київ, 2021

Prevention of risks associated with explosive objects.Mine action in Ukraine


Specialist in educational work, CHW (full time employment)


45 років

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