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IOS Developer



1 рік 3 місяці

03.2023 - до теперішнього часу

Work in a team and work with such tools as Jira, Bitbucket, Slack. Using a variety of navigation patterns. Working with third-party services for payment and also connecting native In-App Purchase. Working with database and API services. Chat development and Socket.IO connection. Implementation of recording voice messages and sending photos and files. Development of the user side and the manager and admin side. Working with the Screen Time API. Features such as location tracking, screen time tracking, access control to applications and websites have been added. Communication between different platforms was also implemented. Connecting advertising and push notificationsAdditional study. Teamwork and the ability to quickly solve problems. The ability to plan my working hours and clearly estimate the time lines for the task. Improving the English language

IOS Developer

Under NDA


11 місяців

04.2022 - 03.2023

Work with a mentor. Learning the function of GitHub and resolving merge conflicts. Using UIKit and SwiftUI frameworks. Working with the REST API and creating requests. Study of theory and practice on tasks and projects of architectural patterns such as MVVM, MVP. Working with navigation in the project and using the Combine framework. Using CocoaPods and installing pods as well as using SPMAdditional study. Learning different software development methodologies. Understanding in practice how SOLID and OOP principles work. Improving the English language

Ключова інформація

Веб-розробка, Swift language

Навчався в 1 закладі

Приватний вищий навчальний заклад "Європейський університет"



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IOS Developer


Готовий переїхати: Київ, Варшава, Польща, Вроцлав, Польща

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