Працювала в 11 компаніях   12 років 4 місяці

Послуги для бізнесу - інше, Промисловість та Виробництво, Освіта, Реклама та PR-послуги, Недержавні організації / NGO, Послуги для населення - інше, Шоу-бізнес

Brand Strategist & Identity Designer


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

2 роки 6 місяців

03.2022 - до теперішнього часу

I help companies with useful products and services to hit the market and the customers' hearts with a holistic brand and unique design.

To ensure the final output meets the needs of the company and customers I lead all aspects of the design process: briefing and planning, research and ideation, conceptualization and layouts, art direction and design support.

Brand Strategy

  • Brainstorm & Workshops facilitation
  • Trend watching & Benchmark research
  • Target audience research (interviews and surveys)
  • Creation of Personas and Empathy Maps
  • Market segmentation via JTBD
  • Brand Diagnostic
  • Value proposition & Business model canvas
  • Defining Brand Differentiation & Positioning
  • Creating Brand Essence, Platform, Promise, Attributes, Evidence
  • Describing Brand Archetype & Tone of Voice
  • Preparation of Mood Boards & Style Scape

Identity Design

  • Developing Logo and Visual Identity
  • Preparation of digital and print layouts
  • Print Stationery Design & Merch
  • Digital Document Design
  • Presentation & Pitch Deck
  • SMM Assets & Templates
  • Print & Online Ad Banners
  • Email Templates & Website
  • Design improvements based on feedback
  • Structuring all information in the Brand book or Style Guide
  • Comprehensive support for internal creators in generating new ideas within the brand platform
  • Evaluation of design ideas and concepts made by designers and copywriters
  • Presentation of design recommendations, proposals, and options to stakeholders

Art Lead (Brand Strategy & Art Direction)


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

10 місяців

02.2021 - 12.2021


9 out of 10 — the average NPS score from clients according to the results of cooperation feedback.

Implemented a new approach to project evaluation: creative briefs and estimation — methods that affected the accuracy of the forecast of project terms by reducing the number of edits and designers' stress due to inappropriate time and scope of tasks.

Created The Archetype guide — a collection of design examples with descriptions of appropriate colours, fonts, illustrations, compositions, interfaces, and advertising for each brand archetype. It simplified and accelerated the work of designers at the concept stage.


  • Generating a creative work process to meet stakeholders' requirements and deliver on expectations within tight deadlines
  • Management of all aspects of the design process, from research and ideation to creative conceptualization and design
  • Collaboration with stakeholders to research and develop a cohesive brand strategy, design concepts, and final layouts
  • Evaluation of design ideas and concepts made by designers and copywriters
  • Presentation of design recommendations, proposals, and options to stakeholders
  • Work with a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders to ensure the final design output meets the needs of the organization or customers
  • Mentoring and providing feedback to direct reports and junior team members
  • Participation in the preparation of proposals, project planning, and estimation, consulting of the sales team
  • Enhancement and implementation of new approaches to processes for effective teamwork
  • Development of a skill matrix in cooperation with the HR and project managers
  • Preparation of package offers to improve the work of the marketing and sales department
  • Conducting lectures and knowledge sharing for all teammates of the company
  • Elaboration of interaction processes between branding and product design departments

Brand Strategist & Designer

Expander Digital

Промисловість та Виробництво

10 місяців

04.2020 - 02.2021


Top 10 in a month — all of the products I designed became the best sellers in their category. The shortest time to get into the bestsellers is a week.

Parallel processes — to minimize the waiting time for information from specialists from different departments, countries, and time zones.

4 brands and 22 products — were launched on Amazon. All 5 brands of the company received integrated design systems, which were constantly strengthened with new solutions for specific marketing tasks.


  • Refreshing two existing brands of the company (working space equipment, dietary supplements)
  • Development of 3 new brands from scratch (cosmetics, electronics, household chemicals)
  • Creation of the logo and visual style of the company itself
  • Carrying out research of the market, competitors, and target audience in cooperation with marketers, analysts, and brand managers of existing brands
  • Creation of a logo and identity system, based on the knowledge of marketing, psychology of perception, typography, color, composition, and other design principles
  • Ideation and design of new products using a data-driven approach
  • Preparation of design layouts, enhanced brand content (EBC), and other marketing materials that will win competitors on Amazon
  • Regular testing of visuals and improvement following feedback from target audiences
  • Art direction of 3D designers and copywriters, to create a holistic brand
  • Formulation of visual style principles in style guides for future collaboration with freelance graphic designers, web designers, and SMM specialists
  • Development of the packaging in close cooperation with the R&D department and contractors in China


Projector Lviv


2 роки 2 місяці

01.2018 - 03.2020


2 courses for 27 students

30+ lectures in general

730+ feedback sessions

Completion of courses for the first group of 12 students — 83% and 93% for the second group of 15 students.

In 2020, a new course on Branding and Strategy was developed. The launch was canceled due to the closure of the offline training format and branch in Lviv.


  • Preparing course, conducting lectures and practical classes, monitoring the progress of academic performance, answering questions, and collecting feedback
  • The teaching of the basics of graphic design: shape, color, typography, composition, layouts
  • Training in identity design: market and audience analysis, idea generation, mood boards & references, logo & design system, style guide & brand book
  • Developing skills and practice to work with clients: briefing, presentation, argumentation, objection handling
  • Mentoring and art direction of individual and group projects
  • Giving Individual feedback for each homework assignment
  • Organisation of master classes for related specialists

Brand  Designer / Strategist & Art Director


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

3 роки

03.2017 - 03.2020


A new specialization per year. I grew from a junior designer to an art director and brand strategist in 3 years.

30+ projects worked on, including the brand of the Lviv region and the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine. Made my dream true — created an identity for Jam Factory Art Center.

Spartak sport & shopping mall is the largest project, embodying many ideas in the design of interiors and parking. Its flexibility and boldness of identity allow in-house designers to create each new promo campaign fresh and recognizable.


  • Creation of a logo and corporate identity system, based on the knowledge of marketing, psychology of perception, typography, color, composition, and other design principles
  • Conducting briefings, estimating, and planning design processes according to clients' requirements
  • Carrying out research of the market, competitors, and target audience independently and in cooperation with marketers, analysts, and research agencies
  • Formulation of Brand Idea. Coming up with a name, tagline, motto, slogan, and communication strategy. Briefing and cooperation with copywriters
  • Facilitation of workshops and brainstorms with team members and stakeholders- Ideation and preparation of design layouts of merch and marketing materials (posters, presentations, leaflets, catalogs, billboards, city lights, banners, exhibition stands)
  • Preparing mood boards, working with references, and leading design sessions with stakeholders
  • Presentation and argumentation of design decisions to stakeholders
  • Description of the principles of visual style in the format of style guides and brand books
  • Art direction of web, motion, UI, UX, 3D designers, illustrators, videographers, print houses, interior designers, and architects to create a holistic brand
  • Knowledge sharing and art direction of in-house designers in the client's team
  • Mentoring and providing feedback to direct reports and junior team members

Graphic Designer


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

4 місяці

11.2016 - 03.2017


My first clients as an independent designer were my previous employers: a marketing research agency and a Belgian IT company.

Services in Identity Design

  • Developing logotypes and corporate identity
  • Creation of brand books based on existing design
  • Preparation of presentations, brochures, leaflets, and business cards
  • Cooperation with owners, marketers, and print houses

Communication Manager


Реклама та PR-послуги

1 рік 7 місяців

04.2015 - 11.2016


The respondent base increased by 23% due to the launch of large marketing projects with rabota.ua, modnacasta.ua, karabas.com.

Improving communication, implementing email newsletters, and administering social networks increased the loyalty of respondents and acquired 10,000 respondents through a referral engagement campaign.

Publications of research in the form of infographics in leading industry media, including MMR, increased the company's brand awareness among customers and the level of trust of journalists from national media


  • Generating new approaches to promote the bureau
  • Cooperation with large online portals to increase the base of respondents
  • Search for relevant research topics to attract media
  • Writing and editing texts based on the result of research
  • Administration of social networks and company website
  • Design and publication of infographics, print, and digital marketing materials
  • Design and HTML development of email campaigns for clients, media, and respondents
  • Preparing a brief for website development, communication with designers
  • Participation in rebranding with colleagues from Belgium


Blago, Charitable foundation

Недержавні організації / NGO

7 місяців

08.2014 - 03.2015


Successful PR services during the grant program of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) made it possible to attract funding from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Active participation in the development of the Kompas — social housing for teenagers with risky behavior, including the preparation of a grant application to the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Collaboration with the Penitentiary Service for media coverage of a friendly football match between young people with risky behaviours (teenagers under police supervision) and teenage prisoners in the Kuryazh juvenile colony.


  • Comprehensive coverage of the fund's activities
  • Fundraising and cooperation with donors
  • Development and realization of PR campaigns
  • Cooperation with the media, donors, and government agencies
  • Event management and organization of press conferences, meetings, briefings
  • Negotiation with clients and contractors
  • Preparation of estimates and budgets
  • Preparation of design layouts for posters
  • Writing and distribution of PR materials
  • Creation of media maps, databases
  • Press-clipping and monitoring
  • Restyling of logotypes for four directions of the foundation
  • Design, content, and development of the site via WordPress

Content manager

Pandora Creative Hub

Послуги для населення - інше

4 місяці

05.2014 - 09.2014


Creation of a flexible content plan grid, which made it possible to natively advertise the company's services and easily make changes to the publication plan.

Increasing the loyalty of photographers and cameramen through the correct communication and publication of their works on our media channels.

Changing the image of "just a hall for rent" into a "reliable team of tech pros" by introducing information posts into the content plan


  • Creation of a content plan for social media
  • Preparation of briefs for designers and control of layouts
  • Writing and publishing texts and posts
  • Development of the site structure and preparation of all types of content for it
  • Interaction with photographers via messengers on social media
  • Generating ideas to increase activity on social networks


Ostrogliad PR Consulting

Реклама та PR-послуги

6 місяців

02.2012 - 08.2012


PR campaign for Royal Dutch Shell mission to explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions

1st place in the nomination "For the most creative solution of a PR campaign" of the PRAVDA Awards 2012 with case for Novy Zir

Coordination of the Euro 2012 International Press Center in Kharkiv


  • Development of creative PR campaigns
  • Preparation of estimates and budgets
  • Creation of media maps, databases
  • Cooperation with media and bloggers
  • Event management and organization of press conferences, meetings, briefings
  • Cooperation with designers and control of printed products production- Negotiation with contractors
  • Writing and distribution of PR materials
  • Press-clipping and monitoring the information field of the organization

PR & Event Assistant

Two Comrades / Два Товарища


1 рік 2 місяці

09.2010 - 11.2011


Formed a database of industry media and journalists for sending offers and press releases

Participation in the organization of The New Year event for 1000 employees of Philip Morris Ukraine

Coordination of performing artists at the event for the employees of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange


  • Analysis of the specialized media market
  • Systematisation and creation of databases
  • Event management and coordination of performers
  • SMM activities

Навчалась в 2 закладах

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Media Communication

Kharkiv, 2014

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

PR | Sociocultural Management

Kharkiv, 2012

Володіє мовами


вище середнього





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Project Management | ICON

Online, 2021

Strategy | SKVOT

Kyiv, 2020

Methodologies of Creative Thinking | Projector Lviv

Lviv, 2019

Art Direction | SKVOT

Kyiv, 2019

Typography Workshops | Prostir Liter

Lutsk, 2018

Designing Brand Identity | Projector Kyiv

Kyiv, 2017

Graphic Design. Basic | Creative design school

Lviv, 2016

Design of Infographics | Coursera

Online, 2015

Communications in Advertising and PR | VSHK

Kyiv, 2015

Photoshop | DMT School

Khakiv, 2014

Media-Intensity | Center of Media and Visual Studies

Kharkiv, 2013

Event-management | 1st vocational school of events



Brand & Marketing Designer


Готовий переїхати: Інші країни

33 роки

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