Працював в 3 компаніях   4 роки 4 місяці

IT, Інтернет

WordPress developer

Nimbus Web


1 рік

04.2023 - 04.2024

WordPress developer



1 рік 1 місяць

03.2022 - 04.2023

Frontend developer



2 роки 2 місяці

01.2020 - 03.2022

Ключова інформація

Skills and Experience

  • Experience working with WordPress
  • Experience in plugin development for Wordpress
  • Experience in Woocommerce integration and customization
  • Experience with PHP and DOM
  • Experience with debugging tools, such as Chrome Dev Tools, Firebug, and others
  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS, including grids and CSS frameworks, W3C and WHATWG specifications, and HTML 5 / CSS 3 polyfills
  • Experience with Bootstrap
  • Knowledge of CSS preprocessors, such as Sass, Less
  • Proficiency in JavaScript, as well as popular frameworks and libraries, such as jQuery
  • Experience with version control tools, such as Git, GitHub, GitLab and CVS
  • Experience with Gulp, Webpack and NPM
  • Understanding of UX / UI best practices
  • Expertise in site layout of any complexity
  • Ability to keep code clean and organized
  • Creation of websites from scratch, Figma, as well as landing pages on WordPress
  • Proficiency in modern web development techniques and technology stacks
  • Familiarity with commercial applications and programs related to the ticket system
  • SEO site optimization for better ranking by search engines
  • Experience working with BEM technology
  • Experience with valid and cross-browser layout practices
  • Adaptation for all platforms
  • Experience working with hosting and proxy servers, such as Cloudways and Cloudflare
  • Ability to provide constant feedback and strict adherence to development deadlines

Personal Skills:

  • Upper-Intermediate English proficiency
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Ability to work effectively with clients
  • Keen attention to detail
  • Punctuality and dependability
  • Pedantic in coding practices
  • Well-developed critical thinking skills
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Desire to constantly develop skills and learn new things
  • Ability to handle stress and meet tight deadlines

Навчався в 1 закладі



Мелитополь, 2010

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


WordPress developer


Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса, Дніпро, Запоріжжя, Харків, Мелітополь

1 700 $

34 роки

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