Працював в 8 компаніях   3 роки 1 місяць

IT, Реклама та PR-послуги

Middle Front-end Developer

NDA, Kyiv


2 роки 2 місяці

03.2022 - 05.2024

Main product: QR Hub [React]

Made straightforward Apple Pay integration with Payment Request API on front.Node.js server to request Payment Session from Apple API.Migrated app from Next.js to React, refactored OOP Classes, removed redundant logic, splittedmonolith to micro-frontends.Made convertor of hex to rgb with Regex and back to web-safe hex .Created Node.js application, which compile Bootstrap with passed $primary-color and can be used likeany common style CDN. With caching and memoization so that delay is only depends on user ping.

Main product: Admin Panel [React]

Created admin panel for inner user for managing all listed below.Made filters with in-url storing.

Main product: Core Web app [Next.js]. Secondary: 3 Web apps [Next.js]

Created 3 products in one using a custom system based on Tailwind themes and custom themecomponents and mixins in conjunction with app name. This led to project not spreading to differentrepositories and much easier maintaining.Reached top position for target projects in google search by using various SEO features. Nice tomention that primarily those relay on natural traffic, not advertisement.Produced ‘SEE MORE’ system for mixing SSR and CSR for a feature, similar to the principle ofsearching for a match in Tinder.Invented an analytics system that reads clicks, page views, stores past routes and does not affect SEOperformance due to the lack of preloading.Built a parameterized system of “smart links” that push language, geo and other customizableparameters.Wrote my own wrapper for the RTK API.

Main product: Core (CRM) [React]. Secondary: Landing [Next.js]

Custom useForm with features such as asyncValues and twice simplified in use than RHF.Custom UI, without using any styling frameworks like MUI.Custom inputs: input, phone number, select, date picker, etc.

Middle Front-end developer, part-time

DeepX, Singapoore


1 місяць

12.2023 - 01.2024

Main product: Chat messanger for lawyers based on GPT 3.5-turbo [React]

Refactored the whole project. Which made it readable and typesafe. Bundle weight reduced twice, codebase reduced twice also, bugs reduced at all.Fixed messages data flow problems.Completed Scrum sprints tasks faster than it was expected in roadmap.Proved myself as a team player and got honours from CEO and PM.

Middle Frond-end Developer, part-time

Office, Dnipro


1 місяць

08.2023 - 09.2023

Main product: Realtime leaderboard for office workers [React]

Created admin panel to manage user-side app.Based user-side project on Supabase WebSockets and no back-end.Google Authantificate for admin panel.

Junior Front-end Developer, part-time

NutraTeam, Los Angeles


3 місяці

09.2022 - 12.2022

Main product: Shopping cart [Blade]. Secondary: Traffic converting landings [WordPress]

Created responsive cart web app with Blade.NMI Payment Gateway integration to cart.Integrated third-party apps to WordPress with plugins.Achieved Product growth, measured by ROI (income, visitors, etc.) and compared to previousadvertisement funnel. Stable build still works and makes $30k monthly.

Junior Frond-end Developer, part-time

NoBrainClub, Berlin


1 місяць

04.2022 - 05.2022

Main product: Landing [React]

Meta Mask integrationCustom Parallax animationCompleting all development stages in shortest terms, reviewed and respected by owner. Successfulapp launch made NoBrainClub raise $10k of investments and list NFT

Back-end C#

IT Enterprise


2 місяці

10.2021 - 12.2021

C# modules for CRM




2 місяці

03.2021 - 05.2021

Layout Making

Tilda - разработчик


Реклама та PR-послуги

3 місяці

08.2019 - 11.2019

No-Code Commercial Projects with Tilda

Ключова інформація


  • JavaScript ES6

  • React,

  • Next.js

  • Bootstrap Tailwind


  • Redux, RTK Query, Saga

  • Sass

  • SEO,

  • Performance

  • Git

  • Typescript

Node.js, Webpack, Vite, Web API, Rollbar, Sentry,JSON, Zustand, Supabase, PWAs, SPAs, SSRFetch, Axios, WebSockets, Accessibility, Cookies, Local Storage, Pixel Perfect, MUI, GitHub, GitLab, Scrum, Kanban, ChatGPT turbo-3.5 API, Stripe, Liqpay, A-pay, Regex, Authorization, CORS, i18n, Maps, Charts

Навчався в 3 закладах

University of customs and finance DniproUniversity of customs and finance Dnipro

Степень магистра, Компьютерные науки

Днепр, 2025

КПИ им. Сикорского

Компьютерные науки. Теплоэнергетический факультет (ТЕФ)

Киев, 2023

Украинско-Американский лицей

Днепр, 2019

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

ЗНО на 189



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Курсы английского C1-C2 Speak Well

Киев, 2022

Впевнився у своїх набутих знаннях, багато практикували розмовну англійську


Днепр (Днепропетровск), 2021

Основи C#, курс 16 занять по 2 години

Way up (web design)

Днепр, 2020

Пройшов курси з веб-дизайну, що дало почуття смаку і як наслідок розвило таке хобі як дизайн в цілому і дало можливість підробляти на цьому.

Hillel web dev

Днепр, 2019

Отримав основи розуміння веб розробки

html, css, js

Додаткова інформація

Увлечения и интересы

С детства увлекаюсь спортом, сейчас хожу в зал. Люблю музыку, иногда рисую, увлекаюсь играми, вожу и увлекаюсь автомобилями.

Компьютерные навыки

Учусь и вкладываю всё время в развитие себя как разработчика Front-end, есть проекты по вёрстке и React

Пётр Алексеевич

Middle Front-End Developer


2 200 $

23 роки

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Оновлено 2 місяці тому