Працював в 5 компаніях   7 років 3 місяці

IT, Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

Senior Android developer



2 роки 4 місяці

05.2022 - до теперішнього часу


  1. Developing new features and bug fixing for main Android app;
  2. Creating tasks for SQL and Android developers;
  3. Mentoring.

Working with:

  • Android Studio (Java, React Native, JS, SQLLite, Kotlin);
  • Flutter (Dart);
  • Android Libraries: Json2View, OsmDroid, ButterKnife, Android Jetpack, Hilt;
  • Unit tests (JUnit, Mockito);
  • Git, BitBucket;
  • Jira, Confluence.


  1. Balancing work between Flutter camera app and AndroidStudio app – adding improvements to camera_android plugin;
  2. Sending data from AndroidStudio app to Flutter app;
  3. Speeding up (3x times) product filters connected to RecyclerView;
  4. Developed functionality for main App to work with Bluetooth Cash Registers (TremolS);
  5. Adding new buttons and custom functionality to DatePickerDialog;
  6. Adding dynamically appeared images of scanned Products to Surface View;Developing Barcodes Range Scanner;
  7. Creating RecyclerView with inner RecyclerView;
  8. Emulating Hyroscope sensor by Accelerometer sensor for devices without Hyroscope;
  9. Refactoring main App to match Android 11+ requirements;
  10. Refactoring project from MVC to MVVM architecture.
  11. Refactoring ReactJs project to Java/Kotlin project.

Android developer



2 роки 7 місяців

07.2019 - 02.2022

Worked with:

  • Android Studio (Java(Kotlin), C++(NDK, JNI, Guava));
  • 1C Enterprise;
  • LocationListener (sharing Application gps data with OpenGts server), FusedLocationProvider;
  • Other components of Android Jetpack (RecyclerView, Picasso, Retrofit2, OkHttp and others);
  • RxJava, Multithreading, Dependency Injection;
  • Git;
  • Zoho Desk, Zoho Projects.


  1. Refactoring and connecting JNI component to 1C Enterprise Android app to receive and send Broadcasts. By default 1C Enterprise app could not do it;
  2. Building and deploying 1C Enterprise Android apps;Showing notifications in 1C Enterprise Android app by sharing data with AndroidStudio app;
  3. Developing and integrating JavaScript calendar with 1C Enterprise calendar;
  4. OpenGTS platform - installing and tuning to show geo-data of device with maing Android app;
  5. Zj Bluetooth Sdk (implementing and redacting the sdk code to work with different types of printers);
  6. Developing Box Label Scanner Android app – you scanning the label, and getting the list of goods in the box or list goods which are sharing the same label info.

Back-end developer (part-time)

Forxs (www.forexstore.com)


5 місяців

07.2020 - 12.2020


Developing new features (basically action for customers), improving internet shop

Worked with:

  • Php Storm;
  • Php;
  • MySql;
  • JS;
  • JQuery;
  • Ajax;
  • HTML, CSS;
  • Bootstrap;Git.

Content manager


Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

4 місяці

03.2020 - 07.2020



Creating (making photos), adding and editing content of a product pages.

Worked with:

  • MicrosoftWord;
  • Photoshop.

Sales manager


Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

2 роки 1 місяць

02.2017 - 03.2019

Consulting customers, selling auto spare parts, making goods orders to suppliers

Ключова інформація

  • Android Studio (Retrofit2, Picasso, OkHttp WorkManager)
  • Java(Kotlin),
  • C++(NDK, JNI, Guava)
  • 1C
  • Multithreading
  • Rest API
  • BackEnd experience ( Php, MySql JS, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap)
  • С# (Unity 3D)

Навчався в 1 закладі

Полтавский Университет Экономики и Торговли

Товароведение и коммерческая деятельность

Полтава, 2013

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

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Комп'ютерні навички

Developed about 20 games with Java (LibGdx) and C# (UNITY 3D).

Also checkout my GitHub link with my Android pet-projects.


Android developer


33 роки

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