Працював в 5 компаніях   3 роки 10 місяців


Middle Unity Developer

Starling Play


8 місяців

10.2023 - до теперішнього часу

Development of a battler mobile game.

Middle Unity Developer

Bluembo (XFlow)


7 місяців

01.2023 - 08.2023

Participated in the development of an MMO RPG project based on the ECS framework.

I am worked on:

- Converting and integrating data from the game map editor into the сlient and server.

- Generation of static game objects from maps in gameplay.

- Layout and integration UI.

- Scripting for automatic management of addressable asset bundles.

- Development of custom editors scripts for creating additional tools in the Unity editor interface

Strong Junior Unity Developer



11 місяців

02.2022 - 01.2023

Participated in the development and support of the Match3 project.

- Development of a new game group event.

- Adding new game board items / effects /arts. Implemented board items logic.

- Integration and configuration of Applovin advertising grid mediator in the project, and other analytics sdk.

- Layout and integration UI

Junior Unity / .Net Developer



6 місяців

08.2021 - 02.2022

- Created AR/VR presentation applications.

- Created a web interface for editing remote data base for the VRapplication.

development of a non-commercial pet project



1 рік

08.2020 - 08.2021

Developed my own game project - realtime client-server game, which is based on WebSocket.

Ключова інформація


- Experience in developing 2D and 3D (VR/AR) applications.

- Build for Android / IOS

- Experience with frameworks: Zenject, ECS

- SignalR library

- Runtime assets loading from server using unity Addressables and working with Addressables bundles

- Connect and work with AppLovin / Facebook / Amplitude SDK

- Plugins: DOTween, UniRx, Shader Graph

- Settup and working with UI layout

- Settup light, physics, create shaders

- Working with MS SQL databases


- Understanding and using main design patterns.

- Experience with asynchronous code

- Understanding and using the main principles of OOP and SOLID


- GitHub, Bitbucket.

- Responsible attitude to merge branches, and maintain order in the repository.

- 3DSMax (profi) Photoshop (midle)

- English at the level of reading technical documentation


I have 2 years of experience in the development of various commercial projects. And 1 year of development of my own non-commercial project - realtime client-server game. I am 41 years old. Before working in game development , I have 16 years of experience as a 3D modeler / visualizer / animator. I have experience publishing projects on the play market



Володіє мовами




Unity developer


1 200 $

42 роки

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повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, в офісі/на місці

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