Працював в 5 компаніях   5 років 8 місяців

IT, Освіта, Будівництво

Front-End Web Development Teacher

IT STEP Academy Prague


1 рік 8 місяців

01.2023 - до теперішнього часу

As part of my work, I led 13 groups of 20 students each. I work on weekends, with an average of 1 to 4 lessons per day, each lesson lasting 3 hours. HTML, HTMX, CSS, SCSS, JS, React.

Full Stack Developer

Uklid & Klid s.r.o.


7 місяців

02.2024 - 09.2024

A system that allows you to conveniently and quickly order cleaning at any of your addresses on any day and time of the week.

1. Customer side - registration/login/logout, changing account settings, changing theme, language, adding addresses, choosing preferred day or daysand time of cleaning, placing/canceling an order, paying for an order, viewing orders.

2. Worker side - login/logout, change account settings, change theme, add workdays and preferred work hours, accept/cancel orders.

3. Administrator side - full control over everything that happens inside thesystem, registration of new administrators/workers, changing any data, payment manager.

4. Server - asynchronously built secure system providing work with CRUD.

Technologies: React (Vite), Radix UI, Express, MongoDB. A total of 4 systems were developed.

Back-End Web Development Teacher and Course Creator

IT STEP Academy Kyiv


6 місяців

01.2024 - 07.2024

I developed and taught a comprehensive Node.js course, covering essential topics such as Node.js basics, package management, event-driven architecture, buffers, streams, file operations, and global objects. I designed the curriculum to include both theoretical lessons and practical applications, incorporating coding exercises, real-world projects, and interactive sessions.

Full Stack Developer

ART VIKO s.r.o.


5 місяців

10.2022 - 03.2023

I designed a CRM system for real-time financial tracking and calculations for users. I created the database and the backend, which was connected to the frontend via a REST API.

Technologies: React, SCSS, Express, MongoDB.


ТОВ «ТД» «Контракт-Энерго»


3 роки 7 місяців

09.2018 - 04.2022

Ключова інформація

My key skills are excellent knowledge of HTML, SCSS, JS, NodeJS and React, I also know Jqery well, i can work in Parcel or WebPack type constructor, I can work with open source API, I am familiar with GIT.
Now I'm learning a lot of different things, mostly libraries, right now it's Three.js.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія

ФМ/Автоматизация Производственных Процессов

Краматорск, 2023

Володіє мовами


вище середнього



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


вище середнього

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Академия Go-It

Киев, 2022

Full-Stack Developer 


IT Академия ШАГ

Краматорск, 2021

Front-End Developer KMY-007394

Додаткова інформація


With over 3 years of experience in both frontend and backend development, I specialize in building responsive web applications and user interfaces using technologies like HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, and React. I have strong expertise in designing backend systems with Express and MongoDB, working with REST APIs, and implementing secure WebSocket communication. My portfolio includes designing complete systems for various industries, from CRM solutions to real-time financial tracking and booking platforms.

I am particularly interested in challenging projects focused on building new web applications, creating complex user interfaces, and developing robust backend systems that ensure reliable and scalable application performance. Additionally, I have experience teaching web development courses, consistently implementing modern technologies in both personal and client projects.


Frontend: HTML/HTMX, CSS/SCSS/SASS/LESS, JavaScript/TSX, React, Webpack, Vite

Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, WebSocket, REST API, CRUD

Database Design: SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cloud Services

Deployment: Firebase, AWS, Heroku

Desktop Application Development: Tauri, Electron

Version Control: GitHub, Bitbucket

I am available for full-time, part-time, or freelance work.

Available to start immediately.

Александр Романович

Full-Stack Web Developer


Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса, Дніпро, Запоріжжя, Харків

2 000 $

23 роки

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, в офісі/на місці

Оновлено 6 годин тому