Працювала в 4 компаніях 13 років 2 місяці
Інше, Телекомунікації / Зв'язок, Транспорт та Логістика
2D Artist
4 роки 10 місяців
05.2020 - до теперішнього часу
- 17 completed freelance projects
- Development of concept art for a 32-page comic, and work as a penciller, editor on the inking, and color
- 16 personal illustrations for artmarketplace
HR Trainer
Мережа Ланет
Телекомунікації / Зв'язок
4 роки 10 місяців
02.2013 - 12.2017
- Facilitation, consulting, coaching, and mentoring;
- Demonstration of the value of changes to line employees for an increase of efficiency of work in the organization;
- Support and consultation of lead managers in process of onboarding new specialist entry-level, and its analysis;
- Control and test the knowledge of staff in order to improve their skills and improve performance
Call center operator
Мережа Ланет
Телекомунікації / Зв'язок
2 роки 1 місяць
01.2011 - 02.2013
- Prompt and high-quality service of incoming calls;
- Diagnostics and connection settings;
- Providing financial information about the client's account;
- Consulting potential and existing customers on the company's services and products;
- Work with electronic appeals of clients;
- Training of operators at the internship stage
Logistics Manager
ТОВ Ятекс
Транспорт та Логістика
1 рік 2 місяці
09.2009 - 11.2010
- Organization of transportation and negotiations with suppliers;
- Planning of shipment and movement of goods;
- Work with documents
Ключова інформація
- 4+ years of Illustration experience in the commercial and non-commercial projects.
- More than 20 years of freehand drawing
- I have great illustration skills: strong design, color, light, volume, perspective, spatial thinking, composition, and good conceptualizing abilities
- Excellent knowledge of Photoshop
- Ability to draw by hand and an expertise with pen tablet
- Ability to withstand a given style and follow technical assignment
- Ability to treat deadlines responsibly
- Quick sketching methods and the ability to create assets from scratch to the final look
- Knowledge of After Effects, Illustrator, Premiere, Blender
Навчалась в 2 закладах
National University of Life and Environmental Scienсes of Ukraine
Economics of Enterprises
Kyiv, 2016
Municipal Establishment Maria Zankovetska Applied College of Culture and Arts
Folk-song art
Nizhyn, 2009
Володіє мовами
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
Plastic Anatomy
- Visualize different parts of the body by mastering the features of the skeletal structure, the plasticity of the figure, and the main muscle groups;
- Distribute fat deposits according to body type and racial differences;
- Depict the body in motion;
- Draw the human figure in various poses and perspectives;
- Realistically convey gestures, emotions, facial expressions, and the character of the figure.
- line silhouette in the landscape
- working with perspective
- light and shadow
- composition schemes
- storytelling
- shape design
- color and light, creating a mood
- working with lighting
Certificate of successful completion the Digital Drawing Online course
An 8-week course at the International School of Digital Graphics and Drawing, ArtCraft.
The course program includes the study of skills in working with shadow and light, composition and perspective, color and shape.
Додаткова інформація
Personal qualities
Talking about my personality: I am highly responsible, full of energy, communicative, able to motivate others and build trust and environmental relationships in the team.
I never stop on what's done and I am implementing non-standard ideas.
2d artist

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