Працював в 7 компаніях   6 років 6 місяців

IT, Освіта

Head of Design



1 рік 5 місяців

04.2023 - до теперішнього часу

IGaming company. Key responsibilities of the position were managing the design team, setting tasks and forming sprints, quality control of execution, assisting/tipping/coaching and improving team members' skills. Daily brainstorming sessions with team members to generate new ideas for new products.Duties also included finding new and improving old ideas in products, creating concepts for new products, meeting with the development team to implement solutions and features and subsequently - quality control and similarity to design system, logic, concept. Be responsible for the ideas and design team.

Product Designer



1 рік 4 місяці

10.2021 - 02.2023

Product company. During that time I was part of a long journey to create a feature-rich CRM that covered not only the basic need of arbitration teams, but also improved interaction in many parts, for UX adjustments we were helped by some teams on which we conducted tests. Also we developed different modules which made the work easier for the teams. Also made direct decisions on further improvement of the product.Creation of the identity, ecosystem.Had experience in creating crypto exchange and other cryptoservices. Various landing pages for product promotion.Also after one year - promotion to product designer.

UX/UI Designer

Fasterpay Ltd.


5 місяців

05.2021 - 10.2021

Large FinTech company. Been on 3 projects one by one:
1. Company website. Included the market analysis of the payment systems services, close cooperation with SEO and PM team, rendering of many pages, and various designs, prototype testing on the users.
2. Mobile application to transfer funds around the world. Also market analysis of related apps, services, design of the flow and the app itself, usability testing of the prototype.
3. Checkout widget. The main task was to develop a flow from adding an item to cart to a successful purchase. The widget changed depending on the region of use, each region has its own payment methods, which had to be taken into account, as well as designing all the stages of payment, verification, confirmations.

UX/UI Designer

SourceCode Labs (UK)


8 місяців

09.2020 - 05.2021

Tasks: Designing new products by design stages (from concepts - to final product), testing, improvement after feedback. Mobile application projects, webpages, CRM. Conduct market research on products in the planning stage.In addition: communicating with CEO on business needs, working closely with development team, setting tasks, adjusting deadlines, making revisions list and monitoring solutions.

UX/UI Designer

Smart Svit


1 рік 4 місяці

05.2019 - 09.2020

Collaborated directly with the CEO, designed custom work scenarios and a convenient interface for using products and services, then developed a prototype and provision of a user interface, formed a technical task for the development team where the application logic was described, further participated in the development of usability tests and scenaries a / b - testing, revision of the existing and creation of subsequent functionality.

Web Designer



8 місяців

07.2018 - 03.2019

Development of unique interactive courses for training new employees in the technical part of the company. I have created a course for McDonald's, Metinvest, Danone, Eva, as well as foreign companies. Electronic courses are necessary for companies that need to quickly train new employees in the shortest possible time, without much time consuming.

UX\UI Designer

Dan - IT


4 місяці

03.2018 - 07.2018

Practical skills in UI/UX design.Understanding of modern trends.Experience in designing adaptive websites.Work in Figma.Work in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.HTML/CSS.

Ключова інформація




After Effects

Навчався в 1 закладі


Software Engineering

Киев, 2018

Володіє мовами


нижче середнього

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Ux / Ui designer

Киев, 2018

Practical skills in UI/UX design.
Understanding of modern trends.
Experience in designing adaptive websites.
Work in Figma.
Work in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Программирование на java \ java programming

Киев, 2014

Основы программирования на java 



Head / Lead / Senior UX/UI/Product Designer


27 років

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

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