Працювала в 5 компаніях   4 роки 1 місяць


Front-end Developer



4 місяці

01.2024 - 05.2024

  • Architected the front-end of a flight booking platform using Next.js, focusing on scalability and performance.
  • Collaborated with backend developers to integrate APIs, ensuring smooth data flow and improved user experience.
  • I got acquainted with ApostropheCMS and gained a completely new experience in structuring and composing a project.

Frontend React Developer



3 роки 6 місяців

06.2020 - 12.2023

DEU: Frontend React/Next.js Developer: 3.7 years

  • Developed and maintained over 20 web applications using React and Next.js, consistently enhancing user experiences and application performance.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and implement user-friendly interfaces, receiving consistent positive feedback from clients and end-users.

Frontend Next.js Developer



2 місяці

07.2023 - 09.2023

  • Completed two major projects: developed an online auto parts store and a corporate website using Next.js.
  • Implemented SWR for efficient data fetching and real-time updates, optimizing performance and reducing load times.
  • Focused on optimizing site performance and ensuring responsive design to improve user experience.

Frontend React Developer



4 місяці

01.2023 - 05.2023

  • Led the migration of a WordPress-based online store to a high-performance React application, increasing site speed.
  • Developed a custom admin panel that streamlined content management, reducing update times.
  • Worked closely with the client to ensure that the new application met their specific needs and enhanced user experience.


Go-It Academy


1 рік 1 місяць

05.2020 - 06.2021


Ключова інформація

Frontend Technologies: React, Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS/SCSS
Frameworks & Libraries: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Antd, Anijs, ThreeJs, Framer Motion, StoryBook
Tools & Platforms: Figma, Slack, Jira, Trello, Git, Firebase, MongoDB, Postman
State Management & Data Handling: Redux, SWR (Bozhenko project), GraphQL, ReactRouter, ReactHookForm, Web3
Testing & Optimization: Jest
Other: Node.js (Basic), i18next, moment, Lodash, Stripe integration

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Go-It Academy

Киев, 2019

Full Stack developer

Додаткова інформація

Свой раздел

Professional Summary
Innovative and dedicated front-end developer with 4+ years of experience building dynamic, user-centric web applications using React, Next.js and TypeScript. Participated in the development of 30+ projects in various industries. Passionate about developing innovative solutions and tracking the latest industry trends.
IoT Smart Home: Developed a React application for a smart home system, integrating with devices installed around the house. Utilized Firebase for real-time push notifications to alert users of device status changes, enhancing home security and automation.
Continent: Developed a marketing page for a trading market using Vanilla JavaScript. Integrated APIs to fetch real-time data from market exchanges, providing users with up-to-date information on trading options.
Gardens: Created a responsive website for a landscaping company based in England using React. Focused on delivering a user-friendly interface to showcase the company’s services effectively.

Axelar Wrapper: Contributed to the development of a secure integration wrapper for the Axelar Network using AssemblyScript. The wrapper supports cross-chain token transfers.
DAO Wallet: Participated in the development of WebAssembly Web3 wallet, which allows users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) and allows users to securely manage their cryptocurrency assets and NFT, including sending and receiving transactions.
OmniTech: Took part in the development of the application a platform to store, index, and provide custom access to cross-chain data. Focused on user interface design.
Consider It Done Technologies: Designed and implemented a marketing page, utilizing modern UI/UX principles to boost user engagement.
DaoSign: Participated in the development of a decentralized platform for agreements featuring cryptographic proofs-of-signature, specifically designed for DAOs. Over a period of two years, I contributed to various components, including both the main application and the marketing page. The DAOsign application was built using Next.js and React for the frontend, which facilitated seamless user interactions. It incorporated GraphQL for efficient data handling and urql as a client, providing a robust API communication framework. Key features included the use of Framer Motion for animations and IPFS for secure, decentralized file storage. Security and user authentication were enhanced with Metamask and WalletConnect integrations. The marketing page, which aimed to boost user engagement, was also built using React and Next.js, focusing on modern UI/UX principles.
Test Application => https://testnet.daosign.org/
Marketing Page => https://daosign.org/
Github DAOsign => https://github.com/DAOsign
Note: A VPN is required to access the site.
Ps. and many, many others projects, inaccessible.


Frontend Developer (React, Next.js)


2 000 $

26 років

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