Працював в 6 компаніях   6 років 11 місяців


Middle Node.js developer & Team Lead

SPLIT Development, LLC


1 рік 3 місяці

04.2023 - до теперішнього часу

International e-commerce shop for image vectorization

Provides the subscription-based ability to vectorize images with colour customization by AI

Stack: Node.js, Shopify, Ampt, Vectorizer.ai.


  • setup cloud function on Ampt
  • setup integration with Vectorizer.ai
  • create an endpoint for an image process by AI
  • create automated Shopify workflow for the user subscription mechanism
  • architecture design
  • team leading

International e-commerce shop for bridal dresses

Stack: Node.js, Shopify, AWS.


  • setup environments on EC2
  • create middleware between the old system and Shopify
  • create a mechanism for fitting data to the Shopify structure
  • create a parser for product sizes
  • architecture design
  • team leading

A platform for sales lead tracking

Provides the ability to monitor lead activities with notifications in the Telegram and Slack bot

Stack: Node.js, AWS, Puppeteer, UpWork.


  • setup environments on EC2
  • setup integration with UpWork
  • setup OAuth process
  • create data crawling by cron and Puppeteer
  • architecture design
  • team leading

Back-end Node.JS developer

Mira Commerce


1 рік 6 місяців

07.2021 - 01.2023

International eCommerce shop

Provides the ability of fast order delivery on 2 continents.

Stack: Node.js, KIBO.


  • create custom endpoints in KIBO
  • create routing rules for delivery
  • data managing
  • create custom data reports
  • support product environments

Back-end developer + Project manager

Reus Mobile


3 місяці

01.2021 - 04.2021

Specialist booking application.

Provides the ability for business owners to register their services and customers to book them.

Stack: Node.js, PostgreSQL, Nginx.


  • create backend template for future company projects

  • setup and manage product environments

  • architecture design

  • create project working plan

  • synchronize command work

Back-end js developer



1 рік 6 місяців

12.2018 - 06.2020

Races application

Provides an ability for users to create events for races with the possibility of rent a car. Booking stages, discussion and payment take place via chat.

Stack: Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, Nginx, Klarna, ImgProxy, Docker


  • create and manage AWS instances for each environment
  • setup and manage product environments
  • develop CRUD services for entities
  • develop a slot reservation system
  • create and manage templates of validation rules for input data
  • setup technologies for image cropping and resizing on the fly
  • setup and manage file storage and cashing process
  • configure mail system
  • coverage main endpoints by unit tests
  • develop services for database migration
  • architecture design

Medical application

Provides an ability for users to record and submit video materials to further Medical purposes. Also includes integration with the third-party application for additional medical data collection.

Stack: Node.js, MySQL, Nginx, AWS, FireBase, Blur


  • manage AWS instances for each environment
  • setup and manage product environments
  • update and manage studies and windows system
  • update time travel system
  • develop a survey system
  • update and manage the notification system

Full-stack web developer



1 рік 7 місяців

06.2016 - 01.2018

Project for suppliers and sellers of fireworks in Holland

Stack: JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL


  • cash-register system
  • order/warehouse management system
  • system of event logging at admin part of the project
  • algorithm optimizations
  • architecture design

Junior full-stack web developer



4 місяці

06.2015 - 10.2015

Government's project about subsidy

Stack: JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, Codeigniter, MySQL


  • subsidy generation in PDF
  • develop adaptive and cross-browser pages

Ключова інформація

Programming languages: JS, TypeScript, PHP
Front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, AJAX
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, OracleSQL, MongoDB
Frameworks: Express, Nest, Laravel, Codeigniter, Angular, Bootstrap, jQuery
Methodology: MVC, OOP, The Twelve-Factor App, SOLID, Design patterns, UML, RESTful, Scrum, Craftsmanship principles
Version control: Git, GitLab, BitBucket
Servers: Nginx, ApacheCloud services: AWS, Ampt
Virtual software development environments: Docker, Vagrant, VMware
ORM: Sequelize, Eloquent
IDE: VS Code, JetBrains, Atom
OS: Linux, Windows, iOS
E-commerce platform: KIBO, Shopify

Навчався в 1 закладі

НТУУ "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

ФИВТ, Компьютерные науки

Киев, 2018

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація


Software development experience over 7 years. For the last few years, I’ve worked as a backend web developer with JavaScript/SQL and as a team lead. Feel sympathy for the PERN stack. I have analytical skills. Like to learn, explore new technologies and develop useful processes. Prefer to work in a team and by Craftsmanship principles.

Дмитрий Иванович

Middle Node.JS developer


29 років

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