Працював в 3 компаніях   3 роки 11 місяців


Full Stack Developer

Silverstein Properties


2 роки 6 місяців

12.2021 - до теперішнього часу

-Mobile App that required major improvements like redesign,refactor, adding new functionality, unit and E2E tests and etc. The idea of the app is to allow users simplify their lives by giving them ability to access such services within the app: order food to their office/flat, sign up to the gym or tennis class, book a roomfor important occasion, enter their building with app instead of searching for access card.
Tech stack: React Native, Redux, React, Node.js, Express.js,Nest.js, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, AWS services.
Responsibilities: Responsible for the layout, frontend logic, creating new API,backend logic, infrastructure, CI/CD process.

Full Stack Developer

Star apps


6 місяців

06.2021 - 12.2021

- Various projects on React and React Native using (mainly typesript) with Node js on backend,Redux as state management.
Some of big projects:
- Crypto platform for insurance cryptocurrency on React
- React native app for corporations to track their employees Covid statistics
Responsible for the layout, frontend logic, tests, api

Full Stack Developer



1 рік 4 місяці

08.2020 - 12.2021

Startup project for making it easy to find neighbours when youare student
Tech Stack: React, Express.js

Ключова інформація

  • Typescript, Javascript ES6+?
  • React, React Native
  • Node js, Express js, Nest js
  • HTML,CSS, SCSS, tailwind
  • Redux , Redux Toolkit
  • AWS, GCP
  • MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • ООP
  • Upper Intermediate English
  • 4 years experience

Навчався в 1 закладі

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Computer Science IoT

Львів, 2024

Володіє мовами



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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


Full Stack Developer


4 500 $

20 років

повна зайнятість

Оновлено 1 місяць тому