Працювала в 6 компаніях   17 років 9 місяців

Фармацевтика, Енергетика та Енергоносії, Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт, Освіта

FRA Head (Financial reporting &accounting)



2 роки 6 місяців

09.2022 - до теперішнього часу

1)Manage the execution of Global/Regional strategies for own part of the organization & manage and ensure the development of a team of experienced FRA professionals.

2)Manage the country internal financial controls; ensure appropriate compliance and usage by performing regular compliance tests and audits.

3)Provide timely statutory and country reporting, information to internal and external stakeholders, including regional finance officers.

4)Ensure the integrity, viability and interoperability of country financial reporting processes and systems, including tax, inventory, corporate-control, payment and purchasing data.

5)Manage the implementation of risk management processes and ensure existence and use of adequate risk management tools.

6)Manage tax, compliance and audit reporting processes, provide analysis of financial information (monthly, quarterly and annual data) and ensure provision of necessary data to internal and external authorities.

7)Manage the correct and timely implementation of financial control processes and policies and ensure adherence thereof.

8) Management of 12 team members

9) Worked 8 years with Big Tax office in process of tax audits

Record to report Head



5 років 5 місяців

04.2017 - 09.2022

1)Review the contracts for accounting corporate treatment according to IFRS standards and local accounting tax purposes.

2)Support annual review for credit facilities prolongation with 3 banks.

3)Consulting of business units (marketing) for new activities and impact for financial results, propose the easiest legal ways how to document and perform.

4)Manage the month& quaterly closing procedure for all entities.Validation of corporate reporting and analysis of main impact for Balance Sheet and Profit&loss reports.

5)Preparation of accruals on monthly basis and review of other ones for the company.

6)Analysis and providing of comments for month/quarterly balance sheet review according to Group requirements.

7)Performing the tax reporting (CIT calculation, deffered tax calculation, forming and analysis of service’s COS).

8)Execution of financial statements on quarterly basis.

9)Review Transfer Pricing reports and Transfer Pricing documentation.

10)Review VAT report on monthly basis.

11)Execute financial control corporate procedures, support NFCM compliance.

12)Support Sox 302 certification.

13)Participation in corporate projects for improving SAP (SHARP, NFCM Runbook for NPhS, Manual Journal entries for both division) Performed of transition from Ukrainian GAAP to IFRS in local reporting in 2019 for legal entity.

14)Key point of contact for obligatory annual financial audit with Big 4 (2020-2023 for legal entity)- settled this process in 2020, support tax compliance and collaboration with E&Y for RO during 2020- 2023)

15)Support registration of RO as non-resident taxpayer.

16)Support FRA in budgeting on local level, review of recharge key and calculations, support global BPAs.

17)Participate in calculation of local margin review for Group team.

18)Team management of 4 employees

Chief Accountant

Schneider Electric Ukraine

Енергетика та Енергоносії

1 рік 5 місяців

11.2015 - 04.2017

1)Responsible for main areas:reporting statury and tax, management of the team locally and in Poland, consulting other department for business activities.

2)Support business activities and proper accounting and PL impact calculation.

3)Controlling banking transactions, currency payments and management of accounts receivable, supporting import and export activity.

4)Providing cash planning and making actual CF report for analysis by Group Treasury on monthly basis.

5)Controlling the accounting team locally and team in Poland (shared service center)Provide and adaptation corporate and local policy for internal document.

6)Collaboration with financial business partner for analysis of costs, support with clarifications.

7)Review of Transfer Pricing report, preparation of Transfer Pricing documentation.

Finance manager

Alfa Laval

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

2 роки 2 місяці

09.2013 - 11.2015

1)Support forecasting procedure by sales and costs on country level. Review of sales forecast with sales engineers for correctness and splitting on customer’s level. Support General Manager with ad hoc requests related financial planning.

2)Provide analysis of operational performance, detailed information of gross margin on customer level, presentation by segment execution of business on monthly basis.

3)Support sales team with analysis of actual results and possible opportunities in unceasing of gross margin.

4)Process optimization and documentation of internal policies, considering Group requirement and local legislation (Business trip expenses policy, authorization policy, Bank payments Policy, Usage of corporate cars).

5)Lead negotiations in administrative and legal issues, with customer with large or new projects.

6)Responsible for proper and compliant reporting (monthly, quarterly and yearly) to the Alfa Laval Group according to Financial Guidelines (IFRS Standards)Provide tax reporting, official Annual statistic reports (Balance Sheet, Profit &Loses, Cash Flow, Equity's report etc.)Providing cash planning and making liquidity report for analysis.Controlling banking transactions, currency payments and management of accounts receivable, communication with foreign subsidiary companies about agreements of import and export activity.

7)Controlling the accuracy of primary accounting, check the accounting of service hours and warranty replacement, fuels.

8)Executed HR functions in the company, provide hire/fire procedure, induction program. Drive and motivate finance-administrative team (4 person).

Senior Accountant

Alfa Laval

Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

2 роки 10 місяців

11.2010 - 09.2013


Інститут ядерних досліджень НАН України


3 роки 4 місяці

07.2007 - 11.2010

Ключова інформація

  • Лідерські якості
  • Адаптивність до змін
  • Комунікаційні навички
  • Навчалась в 1 закладі

    Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"


    Київ, 2013

    Володіє мовами


    вище середнього







    Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

    Професійний сертифікат в менеджменті, перша частина програми MBA


    Було пройдено модулі "Менеджер і організація", "Персонал", "Фінанси", "Маркетинг" та "Управління змінами"- отримано грунтовні знання з структури організації, підбору персоналу, управління фінансами та які показники важливо в оцінці фінансових результатів компанії та як запровджувати зміни.  

    Додаткова інформація

    Особисті якості

    Цілеспрямована, відповідальна, націлена на результат.


    Керівник фінансової служби, головний бухгалтер, Finance head

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    36 років

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    повна зайнятість

    Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

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