Працював в 7 компаніях   13 років 1 місяць

Туризм / Подорожі / Пасажирські перевезення, Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт, IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування, Автомобільна промисловість та Автобізнес, Державний сектор

Head of legal department


Туризм / Подорожі / Пасажирські перевезення

3 роки 1 місяць

06.2021 - до теперішнього часу

- Organizing the work of the legal department;

- Developing a strategy to ensure the company's operations during crisis periods (pandemic, war), drafting and approval of step plans;

- Handling press approaches for providing comments in contentious situations related to the company's activities;

- Corporate law: documentation management (charters, general meeting resolutions, protocols), organization and oversight of legal procedures, registration of legal entities and licensing in Ukrainian jurisdiction, as well as the jurisdictions of the Baltic countries, Kazakhstan, and belarus;

- Developing and implementing employment and dismissal policies, resolving disputes with employees;

- Collaborating with the internal economic security service, developing and implementing measures to prevent corruption and other legal violations, conducting investigations into internal company rule violations;

- Negotiating and managing contracts for international transportation, hotel services, joint ventures, and premium leisure services (total annual contract volume of $40 million USD);

- Negotiating advertising placement contracts for the company, participating in TV projects such as the major show "The Bachelor";

- Negotiating office rental agreements for the sale of tour products in major shopping centers in Ukraine;

- Protecting the company's intellectual property rights, working with patent authorities (copyrights, patents, trademarks);

- Involvement in legal disputes with tourists, tax disputes, among others, and transfer pricing cases;

- Participation in criminal proceedings from filing criminal complaints to procedural decision-making;

- Selection and management of external legal consultants and firms - Law Firm "Sayenko Kharenko", "Deloitte Ukraine", among others;

- Conducting training sessions for staff and partner-agents.

Senior Lawyer


Туризм / Подорожі / Пасажирські перевезення

1 рік 5 місяців

12.2019 - 05.2021



Торгівля оптова / Дистрибуція / Імпорт-експорт

2 роки 2 місяці

06.2018 - 08.2020



IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

2 роки 2 місяці

06.2018 - 08.2020

- Provided comprehensive legal support (participation in negotiations, approvals, agreements) for the conclusion and execution of a contract with NEC Ukrenergo through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to organize a technological network in Ukraine worth 43.842 million UAH (excluding VAT) for the supply of network equipment (CISCO), software for design and implementation.

- Developed over 45 contract templates covering the full spectrum of company activities.

- Designed systems for creating contracts based on specific internal preferences of management and sales department.

- Implemented internal regulations, instructions, and rules.

- Ensured successful participation in state procurements on the side of the contractor/seller - preparation of a complete package of documents for participants' price proposals.

- Developed a strategy for optimizing the tax burden on companies, registered legal entities, and successfully collaborated with the chief accountant.

- Represented the interests of company management and its employees in the prosecutor's office and investigative authorities.

Head of Legal Department


Автомобільна промисловість та Автобізнес

5 років 3 місяці

03.2013 - 06.2018

- Organized the work of the legal department.

- Participated in court cases - commercial (debt recovery), civil (consumer rights protection), and administrative (tax disputes) proceedings.

- Represented the interests of the company in bankruptcy proceedings on the side of the initiating creditor.

- Successfully defended the right to place corporate advertising billboards.

- Ensured successful participation in state procurements on the side of the contractor/seller - preparation of a complete package of documents for participants' price proposals.

- Negotiated terms of commercial contracts - vehicle purchase and sale, provision of car maintenance services, service contracts.

- Drafted and approved protocols, amendments to articles of association, establishment, and liquidation of legal entities.

- Represented the company's interests in disputes with consumers to avoid litigation and protect the company's financial and reputational interests.

- Defended the company during searches by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and interrogations of employees.

Deputy Head of the Legal Department

Pleso CC

Державний сектор

6 місяців

09.2012 - 03.2013

- Organized the work of the legal department.

- Negotiated contracts for the placement of mobile food stalls within coastal protection zones.

- Participated in court cases regarding the release of illegally occupied land plots.

- Worked within the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Court in Kyiv.

- Served as the deputy chair of the inventory commission responsible for searching for property across all beaches in the city of Kyiv.

- Served as a member of the tender committee on the client's side.

- Served as the deputy chair of the commission conducting inspections of the enterprise: liaised with the law enforcement department, Prosecutor's Office of the city of Kyiv, and the Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Dnipro district and others.


Pleso CC

Державний сектор

1 рік 2 місяці

07.2011 - 09.2012

Ключова інформація

  • law practice - more than ten years, experience in management positions - more than five years.
  • drafting, adjusting, and supporting all types of contracts;
  • preparation of all kinds of procedural documents;
  • litigation in all courts and jurisdiction (bankruptcy and tax cases);
  • recovery of problem debts from individuals and legal entities;
  • representation of interests and effective interaction with enforcement bodies;
  • actions with corporate rights of the enterprise, preparation of documentation of competitive bidding;
  • legal analysis of the enterprise activity to make a strong legal position;
  • work organization and effective interaction of the legal department with other departments of the enterprise;
  • setting tasks and monitoring their full and timely implementation by lawyers in the legal department;
  • effective interaction with leading law firms in complex projects;
  • development, documentation and supervision of the business processes of the enterprise;
  • preparation of legal answers to requests of supervisory bodies, lawyers, deputies;
  • legal support for the company's participation in procurements financed by non-residents, including those funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • representation of interests of the enterprise at state inspections, conducting business negotiations;
  • protecting the interests of officials during pre-trial investigative actions;
  • positive teamwork experience (teamwork) in major projects.

Навчався в 3 закладах

Institute of Ecology of Economics and Law


Kyiv, 2019

Institute of Ecology of Economics and Law


Kyiv, 2017

Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine

Law, special legal training

Kyiv, 2013

Володіє мовами







Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Advocacy training

Kyiv, 2019

Regular participation in seminars conducted by the Council of Advocates of the Kiev region to improve the skills of a lawyer. Participation in seminars since 2016.

Додаткова інформація

Водительское удостоверение

Category B. Excellent knowledge of the city of Kyiv. Daily driving experience over 10 years.

Научная деятельность

2023 - Ph. D. in Law Kyiv National Economic University, dissertation research: "Civil law protection of intellectual property rights on computer programs in contractual relations".

More than 15 scientific papers have been published in the field of intellectual property protection for computer programs in contractual relationships.

Увлечения и интересы

Cars, fishing, water-motor thems, American football, from 2012 to the present commentator on the matches of the Ukrainian American League championship at Kyiv stadiums.

Евгений Юрьевич



34 роки

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повна зайнятість

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