Працювала в 4 компаніях   4 роки 9 місяців


Front-end Developer



8 місяців

11.2023 - до теперішнього часу

Technologies: Angular, RxJS, NgRX, REST, GIT, JIRA, NodeJS, HTML/SCSS, MongoDBReact, Redux, NestJS, HTML, TailwindCss, GIT, JIRA, PostgresDB

Front-end Developer



1 рік

10.2022 - 10.2023

Project: Web application, PWA Application

- Developing web application with AngularJS, Angular14+, ReactJS.

- Integration with REST API.Collaborating with backend developers and QA team to improve usability.

- Developing PWA-application using Angular14+.

- Developing old functionality from main application using Angular14+.

- Fixing bugs on main application that using AngularJS, ReactJS.

- Code review.

Technologies: AngularJS, Angular14, REST, GIT, JIRA.

Junior Frontend Developer



9 місяців

12.2021 - 09.2022

Project: Restaurant chain Application

Developing web application with Angular12+, ReacrJS, VueJS

Integration with REST APICovering both UI with unit-tests

Collaborating with backend developers and QA team to improve usability

Technologies: Angular12, RxJS, NgRX, REST, GIT, JIRA.

Front-end developer, AngularJS



2 роки

12.2019 - 12.2021

Project: High loaded distributed system for managing Customer Experience (Call Centers)

Developing web application with Angular JS, AngularI

ntegration with REST API

Covering both UI with unit-tests using Karma, SinonCollaborating with backend developers and QA team to improve usability

Technologies: AngularJS, REST, Swagger, Docker-Compose, Jenkins, Sonar Cube, Microservices, GIT, JIRA

Ключова інформація

Professional skills:

  • Experience in JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Working experience with AngularJS, Angular 2+, ReactJS
  • Working experience with Docker
  • Working experience with Unit Testing
  • Good skills HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3
  • Experience with GIT
  • Experience with JIRA
  • Basic skills PHP, SQL, Node.js, JQuery
  • Basic skills frameworks: VueJS, Redux

Навчалась в 1 закладі


Institute of Computer Systems

Одесса, 2010

Володіє мовами





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

private English lessons

Одеса, 2023

Hillel - Course FrontEnd Pro

Одеса, 2019

Сourse JavaScript

Одеса, 2016

Course English. Level: Upper intermediate

Одеса, 2015

Додаткова інформація

Soft skills

Soft skills: Responsibility, diligence, perseverance, sociability, politeness, attentiveness, quick learner.

Additional Information:Absence of bad habits , driving license, foreign passport.


Front-End Developer

Інші країни

33 роки

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

Оновлено 2 місяці тому