Працював в 6 компаніях   18 років 2 місяці

Будівництво, Транспорт та Логістика, Банки

Head of Treasury



5 місяців

04.2024 - до теперішнього часу

Organization of the work of the department to cope with big quantity of payments for a group of companies (multi-client bank, auto client), optimization and automation of business processes;

Liquidity management of a group of companies, ensuring timely payments;

Communication with banks; account opening/closing, KYC procedures; carrying out foreign economic trade operations in accordance with the requirements of bank currency supervision; improvement of bank tariffs and other banking products;

Placement of temporarily free liquidity, including in securities (bonds), maximization of interest rates on cash balances, etc.;

Development of management reporting formats for investment cash flow, reporting.

Treasury Manager

Portinvest / UMGI, Group of companies

Транспорт та Логістика

4 роки 6 місяців

07.2019 - 01.2024

Management of liquidity of several companies of the group; Purchase/sale of foreign currency on interbank market; Calculation of daily cash flow; analysis of relations with counteragents and control over debts; management of relations with banks, including cash service, financing and other bank products

FX and MM dealer, Treasury Department



3 роки 6 місяців

06.2015 - 12.2018

Operations on interbank FX market on demand of clients, negotiation of FX rates with clients, operations on interbank capital market, control over liquidity and FX economic normatives of the bank, preparation of macroeconomic reports and presentations for bank's management

Head of corporate credit risks, Risks Management Department



5 років 10 місяців

04.2009 - 02.2015

Financial analysis of potential borrowers, conclusion on creditability of the company, presentation of conclusion and discussions on Credit Committee of the bank, calculation and control over reserves on credit portfolio of the bank

Clients relations manager, SME Department

Credit Europe Bank


1 рік 11 місяців

05.2007 - 04.2009

Search for potential clients of the bank, presentation of the bank and consultations about financial services, preparation of documents and initiation of credit file for Credit Committee

Credit analyst

Credit Europe Bank


1 рік 8 місяців

09.2005 - 05.2007

Financial analysis of potential borrowers, conclusion on creditability of the company, presentation of conclusion and discussions on Credit Committee of the bank, further maintenance of credit file

Ключова інформація

  • Managing cash flows of group of companies, providing companies with necessary liquidity
  • Calculation of cash flows (payments calendar), including forecasting, up to on daily basis; determination of the time and size of cash deficits
  • Currency (FX, forex) operations, purchase / sale of foreign currency (able to improve the exchange rate by 2-5 kopecks, depends on current conditions and volumes of operations)
  • Communication with banks, improvement of tariffs (cash and settlement services, financing, placement of free liquidity, and other banking products); search for financing
  • Allocation of free liquidity, increasing the financial income of the enterprise
  • Analysis and control of receivables and payables of the enterprise
  • Preparation and analysis of management reporting, analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise for subsequent optimization
  • Budgeting and control over budget execution

Навчався в 2 закладах

Kyiv National Economic University


Kiev, 2014

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi

Public administration

Izmir, Turkey, 2005

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


Treasury manager


41 рік

повна зайнятість

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