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React Native Developer



1 рік 9 місяців

07.2022 - 04.2024

My projects have included developing applications that provide live game streaming, news updates, fan engagement, a job-matching platform with Google login integration, a fintech app for loan payment analysis, a medical appointment app with video and audio call functionalities, and a unique dating app where users interact through gameplay. I've leveraged technologies like Zoom, Zego, Twilio, Mux, Basiq, Firebase's Firestore, and OAuth to deliver robust applications. Additionally, I've gained experience with Bluetooth for data printing on small printers and NFC for data exchange between smartphones. Every application I've worked on focused on user satisfaction and seamless functionality, showcasing my dedication and problem-solving skills.

React Native developer



2 роки 6 місяців

01.2020 - 07.2022

Testing a web application written in Java, Angular (web application written by the university's students). Created documentation for this project and wrote self-tests using Java. You can see the code on GitHub in the "uitests" repository;Used Open CV for image processing;Used Perl, Python and gdal library for processing snapshot (creating NDVI NDMI image); Created json from any files using python. Created .kml files from coordinates. Merged two or more polygons to one from .kml file. Parsed soil analyzes from .dbf files to display them on the map;Wrote a mobile application using React Native for Android and IOS (Агроконтроль). In project I created react-native-svg charts for weather and made library react-native-split-pane-view. I have experience working with a library for svg, NFC, bluetooth printer, camera, map (google, apple, mapbox);Used firebase in RN projects for Firestore Database, Messaging (IOS, Android), authentication (Google, phone, Email/Password, LinkedIn, Facebook),

Навчався в 1 закладі

Черкаський державний технологічний університет

ФІТІС/ Інженерія програмного забезпечнення

Черкассы, 2021

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вище середнього


React Native Developer


Готовий переїхати: Черкаси

3 000 $

24 роки

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

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