Працював в 6 компаніях   4 роки 2 місяці

IT, Медіа / ЗМІ

Front-end Developer



2 роки 7 місяців

11.2021 - до теперішнього часу

I developed a new product from scratch for the company, called Odds Monitoring Tool, which involved monitoring and tracking all markets by bookmaking companies. (Vue 3, TypeScript, Vue Router, Pinia, WebSocket, and SCSS.)I am working on client-side functionality and did support for all commercial products in the company. In particular,on betburger.com, allbestbets.com and betwasp.com finalized UI for the calculator of profitability, rules of fork's extradition, had made new components and pages, finished the admin panel, and partly changed the server side. (Vue 2, jQuery, Backbone, Ruby, Ruby on Rails)



Медіа / ЗМІ

1 рік 1 місяць

02.2023 - 03.2024

First, I developed a fullstack single page application (SPA using Vue 3 + Typescript) for this client, but then there was a need to rewrite everything to server-side rendering (SSR using Nuxt 3 + Typescript).

Front-end Developer (part-time)



3 місяці

08.2022 - 11.2022

I worked part-time on an hourly basis for a project involving an online store. My responsibilities included enhancing the website's functionality, fixing bugs, and developing new website pages. (Vue 2, Nuxt 2)

Front-end Developer



7 місяців

04.2021 - 11.2021

I develop a front-end for an internal product, a new high-load system for monitoring and managing candidates / employees, internal trainings, reports, access settings and much more.(Vue 2, React.js, Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery datatables)

Front-end Developer



7 місяців

09.2020 - 04.2021

The development of training online portal for the foreigncustomer. Creation of highly loaded components of teachers' lessoncalendar, the realisation of logic, the setup of intervals of available time for each lesson depending on time zones. (Vue 2, SCSS, Laravel)

The development of company's new corporate website. https://movex.co/ (Wordpress)

Front-end Developer



4 місяці

05.2020 - 09.2020

Maintenance and development of existing projects on cmsOpencart, Wordpress, Laravel. Editing, creating projects from scratch.


Dinmark.com.ua – (HTML, SCSS, jQuery)

B2.business.ua –(HTML, SCSS, jQuery)

Virintel.com – (Vue 2)Eurometa.ua – (Opencart 2.3)

Frpneu.cz – (Opencard 3)

Youth-worker.org.ua – (Wordpress)

Profihouse.com.ua –(Wordpress)

Profikarkas.com.ua – (HTML, SCSS, JS, jQuery)

Ключова інформація

JavaScript, Lua, C++

HTML5, CSS3, SASS/LESS, Bootstrap 4

DOM, Node.js, Express.js, Babel, npm, AJAX, JSON

Vue.js, Vuex, Vue CLI


STL, OOP, Design Patterns

Visual Studio Code, JetBrains (CLion, WebStorm), Sublime Text

MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Adobe Photoshop, Avocode

Навчався в 3 закладах

Courses for software developers Devclub(https://devclub.com)

• Algorithms, memory management, STL, OOP, Design Patterns, testing, optimization (C/C++), high level languages

Киев, 2018

Interdisciplinary Institute of Management

Faculty of Management and administration

Киев, 2012

KROK College

Computer programming

Киев, 2007

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Hillel Front-End-Basic

Киев, 2019

  •  HTML, CSS, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass/Less

Hillel Front-End-Pro

Киев, 2019

  • JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, Ajax, Node.js, Express.js, Babel, JSLint, npm
  • Vue.js, Vuex, Vue CLI

Courses for software developers “Devclub”

Киев, 2018

  • Algorithms, memory management, STL, OOP, Design Patterns, testing, optimization (C/C++), high level languages

Serhey Leonidovich

Front-end/Full-stack developer


2 000 $

34 роки

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 2 дні тому