Працював в 1 компанії   6 років 5 місяців

Юридичні послуги

Head of IT Department

Administrative Court, Zhytomyr

Юридичні послуги

6 років 4 місяці

01.2018 - 05.2024

- management of the IT team of 3 people providing services to 120 co-workers;

- planning of the annual department’s work;

- training and consulting on software usage;

- development of necessary work-related software


1. Created a certificate analysis program for qualified electronic signatures of the tax service. This program allowed us to instantly monitor the status of the electronic keys of judges and other court employees and obtain additional information about the key user and the electronic key's validity period.This program increased the reliability and convenience of working with employees' electronic keys and helped to avoid situations with expired keys and errors in filling in the data about the key holder.

2. Created a program for daily computer equipment inventory in the court. Thanks to this, the inventory process is mainly carried out without disturbing the users and speeds up the overall inventory process more than tenfold.

3. Wrote a program that monitors the working hours of computers in the court so that if a user forgets to turn off the computer, it does not prevent the servers from making copies of the databases.

4. Wrote a telegram chatbot using JAVA that allows complete control of servers and workstations in the court. This allows users to remotely turn on their work computer when they work from home, perform any operations with servers and computers of court employees, as well as eliminate most of the problems that arise in the work of the organization's users using only a smartphone. This has accelerated the time it takes to service the court's computer equipment, even when the IT specialist is on vacation or absent from the workplace.

5. Designed and assembled a device that allows the main server to be turned on using a phone call, which allows the server to be controlled remotely even when the court's Internet connection is down or intermittent.

Ключова інформація

- Deep knowledge in computer hardware;

- Network planning, installation and administration;

- Programming languages: Delphi, Java, C#;

- Database: MS SQL, MySQL;OS: Microsoft Windows (All versions);

- Intermediate level of English

Навчався в 4 закладах

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право / Адміністрування та управління

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Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

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Готовий переїхати: Київ

700 $

46 років

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