Працював в 7 компаніях   6 років 8 місяців

IT, Інтернет, Послуги для бізнесу - інше

android developer

Iridium Company


3 роки 6 місяців

03.2021 - 09.2024

Google Pay




Technologies and ToolsKotlin, Android, Trello, XML, Firebase, Retrofit, Glide, okhttp3, Bottom navigation, MVVM, Clean Architecture, LiveData, JetPack, Dagger, RX

Android developer



2 місяці

01.2021 - 03.2021

fixed bugs in the application, did a redesign

Google Pay


Google Pay


Google Pay


Android developer



1 рік

01.2020 - 01.2021



  • made a redesign
  • integrated google admob
  • implemented a card save to the phone's memory


  • integrated facebook ads
  • made saving data "Feedback", "Contakt us" in back4app
  • Added pages "Contact Us", "FAQ's", "How to use app", "About us"
  • Made saving data "Test", "Listen & Read" in SQLite

Android developer



10 місяців

02.2020 - 12.2020

Android developer

redesign App

Google Pay


instagram for cars. You can upload pictures of cars, make posts, create groups and events. Chat with other users

Technologies and Tools

Kotlin, Android, XML, Firebase, DataBinding, Retrofit, Picasso, okhttp3, Bottom navigation, Room DB, Navigation, Live Data, ViewModel

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 1 Android developer, 2 IOS developer, 1 Backend developer

Android developer

application, delivery from restaurants, etc. This application will work in Zaporizhia.

Food ordering, cash or card payment, delivery tracking.

Google Pay


Technologies and Tools

Kotlin, Android, XML, Firebase, Retrofit, Glide, okhttp3, Navigation component, Google Map, Google location, Google place, MVVM.

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 1 Android developer, 2 IOS developer, 1 Backend developer

Android developer

Application for reading or listening to books. The book can be listened to and read in parallel, it is also possible to download the book.

Technologies and Tools

Kotlin, Android, Jira, XML, Firebase, Retrofit, Glide, okhttp3, Bottom navigation, Navigation component, Bottom navigation, Google Purchase, Facebook Auth, Google Auth, MVVM.

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 2 Android developer, 2 IOS developer, 1 Backend developer

Android developer


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

3 місяці

08.2019 - 11.2019

An application in order not to stand in line for food. The ability to find the nearest food establishment on a map near you. Also the ability to pay via Google pay or Stripe. Remain only to come and pick up the order

Technologies and Tools

Java, Android, XML, Firebase, SQLite, DataBinding, Constraint Layout, Retrofit, Picasso, Stripe, GooglePay, GoogleMap, Google location, Google place, okhttp3, Bottom navigation, Room DB, Navigation

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 1 Android developer, 1 IOS developer

Android developer


Послуги для бізнесу - інше

3 місяці

05.2019 - 08.2019

Made changes to the application:

  • - Integration with google and facebook authenticator
  • - Fixed album
  • - After transferring the backend from Firebase to Scaleway, I rewrote the code using Retrofit

Google Pay


Technologies and Tools

Java, Android, XML, Firebase, Facebook autorization, Google Auth, Butterknife, Retrofit, Glide, SQLite, DataBinding, Constraint Layout

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 1 Android developer

Android developer

Web Gladiolus


1 рік 3 місяці

09.2017 - 12.2018

An application to view products, purchase your favorite products.

Technologies and Tools

Java, Android, XML, SQLite, Facebook autorization, Instagram Auth, REST, Retrofit, OAuth, Picasso, Json, DataBinding, Constraint Layout, GitHub, Bitbucket, Navigation drawer

Size of a team

1 project manager, 1 Designer, Technical Lead, 1 Android developer, 1 IOS developer

Ключова інформація

  1. Trello,
  2. JIra,
  3. Firebase,
  4. Android,
  5. Java core,
  6. Kotlin,
  7. Android SDK,
  8. SQLite,
  9. Retrofit 2,
  10. Picasso,
  11. Glide,
  12. OAuth 2,
  13. Rest API,
  14. Stripe,
  15. Google services,
  16. LiveData,
  17. Data binding,
  18. Room DB,
  19. Google Play,
  20. Google Map,
  21. Google location,
  22. Google place,
  23. Navigation component,
  24. Bitbucket,
  25. Google Purchase,
  26. MVVM

Навчався в 1 закладі



Запорожье, 2015

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Computer academy STEP

Запорожье, 2017

Development applications for mobile devices based on Android


Android developer


33 роки

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