Працювала в 9 компаніях   20 років 2 місяці

Недержавні організації / NGO, Освіта, Державний сектор

Coordinator Case Management

Triangle Generation Humanitarian

Недержавні організації / NGO

3 місяці

09.2022 - 12.2022

Functional responsibilities: adaptation and use of case management tools necessary for multisectoral assessment in 4 regions of Ukraine (Lviv, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Dnipropetrovsk regions); planning, implementation and monitoring of the assessment process, including the management of logistics, finance, for actions directly related to the activities of the protection program. Creation of analytical reports on the implementation of programs for internal use and donors (UHF, BHA, UNHCR).

Cash and basic needs officer

International Rescue Committee

Недержавні організації / NGO

4 місяці

05.2022 - 09.2022

Functional responsibilities: implementation of basic needs assistance, including Cash and Voucher Assistance; support to design, facilitate, and analyze rapid needs assessment, market assessments, cash feasibility assessments; ensure proper data collection and information management systems are used for projects in-line with MEAL support; manage team members, volunteers.

Project officer

People in Need

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 місяць

04.2022 - 05.2022

Functional responsibilities: organization and holding of the field visits; to conduct assessment of the needs of places for temporary accommodation of internally displaced persons (Collective centers); preparation of documentation and distribution of humanitarian aid (NFI). Focal point in Vinnytsia region (collect cases of beneficiaries: medical, housing, legal aid; create internal and external forms of referral in accordance with the needs of beneficiaries and areas of work of humanitarian organizations).


«Our Revival-Donbass» in Krasnohorivka

Недержавні організації / NGO

5 років 3 місяці

01.2017 - 04.2022

assistance in social work; assistance to deliver a humanitarian aid.

Community Engagement Officer Norwegian Refugee Council / NRC Kurakhove

Norwegian Refugee Council / NRC

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 4 місяці

08.2020 - 12.2021

Functional responsibilities: Develop community mobilization and facilitation mechanisms for community representation, and involvement in planning and implementation, field assessments, data entry and analysis. Establish networking with other actors working in the area, exploring referral mechanisms, forming working relationships with local authorities. Conduct trainings, workshops, round tables for diverse groups of the affected population (people with disabilities, children and staff of the schools), representatives of local authorities, local non-governmental organizations and NRC's programs staff.

Focal point in Donetsk region - to organize and provide referral systems for NRC programs staff; to create a form internal/external and to provide training for stakeholders and NRC staff about referrals system; to collect a beneficiaries needs in the field and referral to ICLA, WASH, LFS. Assist the LFS and WASH programs in registration of beneficiaries; verification of basic needs and distribution of assistance in line with donor requirements.



Недержавні організації / NGO

9 місяців

10.2019 - 07.2020

UN commissioned REACH project, «Investigating the Needs and Opportunities of Communities within the UNDP in Donetsk and Luhansk».

Functional responsibilities: interviewing respondents, identifying vulnerable categories and their needs; working with «KoBo» software; participation in focus groups.

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science

National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute»


3 роки 1 місяць

09.2016 - 10.2019

Functional responsibilities: conducting lectures and practical classes in the course of disciplines: «Social communications», «Conflictology», «Political science», «Psychology deviant behavior ».

Leading Researcher

Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Donetsk

Державний сектор

10 років 5 місяців

01.2005 - 06.2015

Functional responsibilities: preparation of analytical materials for socio-political and economic development of the region; development of recommendations and forecasts for local governments, local state administrations; preparation of sociological researches; organization of communication activities; participation in working groups under the regional council and regional state administration; content management site.

expert in social researchers

Fund for the Support of Progressive Reforms, Donetsk

Недержавні організації / NGO

4 роки 1 місяць

09.2001 - 10.2005

Functional responsibilities: conducting thematic monitoring of regional printed media, accompanying election campaigns, organizing communicative events, preparing information and analytical reviews.

Ключова інформація

An experienced PC user: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Canva, WordPress. Sociological Data Processing Packages: OCA, SPSS, Kobo

Driver's license.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Donetsk National University

Faculty of History, specialty «Political science»

Donetsk, 2001

Володіє мовами







Курси, тренінги, сертифікати



Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse


Project Cycle Management (PCM) in NRC


Training and Coaching Sessions on using the Community Coordination Toolbox for Community Engagement


Sphere in practice


The Core Humanitarian Standard



Project officer


Готовий переїхати: Київ, Одеса

50 000 грн.

44 роки

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 1 тиждень тому