Працював в 2 компаніях   12 років 10 місяців


Senior Software Developer/Engineer



3 роки 9 місяців

04.2018 - 01.2022


1. Software engineer – Financial market data provider (Luxoft)

Customer: Leading global Financial market data provider

Role: Software engineer

Project description: Financial market data

Responsibilities: Design new features and the implementation of backend systems and services running under Linux

Environment: C/C+, Linux services, Ubuntu, github, bash, design patters, Hight load, Low latency

Years: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

2. Software engineer – media player for Automotive (Luxoft)

Customer: One of the leading luxury car manufacturer

Role: Software engineer

Project description: Media solutions for automotie entertainmet system

Responsibilities: Design new features for media player, integration and migration from other tools platforms and solutions ,implement hardware and media solutions, static code analysis investigation, make tests and documentation

Environment: C/C++, Qt, Github, MBIENT, Apricot, YOCTO, ARM, X86, Linux (ubuntu 18), Harman API, Cinemo API, Log4cplus, Jenkins, Cmake, GCC, QEMU, Design Patterns, Sprints, Poker planing

Years: Feb 2020 - Jul 2020

3. Software developer – HMI Developer (Luxoft)

Customer: Automotive HMI solution provider

Role: Software Developer

Project description: Human Machine Interface for automotive. Responsibilities: Design new and support existing features, hardware flashing and debugging, release activities, make test and support documentation, hardware simulation.

Environment: C/C++, Windows 10, Visual studio 2010, Eclipse, Data transfer protocols (CAN, SNP), Complier/Assembler/Linker Freescale CodeWarrior (for MPC5xxx), Trace32, Vector Lauterbug, Busmaster, Customers hardware configuring tools, Teamcenter, Jazz, RTC, Outlook, XML, TDD/Sprints.

Years: Sep 2019 - Feb 2020

4. Senior software developer – SCADA Developer (Luxoft) Customer: Global energy product provider

Role: Senior Software Developer

Project description: Advanced Distribution and Management Solution (ADAMS).

Responsibilities: Specialization: SCADA development team.Design new and support existing features, bugfix, make unit tests and documentation. Windows application development

Environment: C/C++ C#/NET 2.0/3.5, MS Visual Studios 98-10), Linux services (RedHat), Protocols (IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3, ICCP, Modbus, TCP/IP, DNS), SCADA systems, POSIX threads/sockets, Win API, Windows multithreading,SSH, GIT, GRIP, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Jenkins, Outlook, Oracle SQL, ProC, Perl, Python; Methodologies Scrum, Kanban, Spritnts, REST

Years: Apr 2018 - Aug 2019




9 років 2 місяці

04.2009 - 06.2018

Flight Training, Designing Simulation and Researching dep.

Design engineer

Developed, prototyping and configured tools for ICP CON Digital/Analog Input/Output modules.

(C++,C, Win32 API, MS Visual Studio 08, Qt, RS-232, DCON protocol, TCP/IP)

Developed antivirus DB automated updating and reporting tools

(C#, MS Excell, MS Visual Studio 2008)

Designed GUI for Planes control panels for universal flight simulator project.

(Qt, Qt Designer, SQL)

Designed developed and tested simulators of the planes systems: GPWS (Ground proximity warning system), ASS (Alarm signal system), NLI (Navigation and landing indicator) etc., for the flight simulators of the ANTONOV-124/70/148/158/178/132

(C++, MS Excel, MS Visual Studio 2006, Subversion)

Took part in development of the design, test and verify documentation, flight instructions, business plans, building plans, contracts etc.

Ключова інформація

Over 5 years of software development experience.

I have a big experience of software development using C++/C programming languages and object oriented design. Have a good math and analytic skills, knowledge in embedded system design and digital signal processing. During my career I have worked on many complex development/design/researching projects.

Operating System Environment

Windows XP/7/ 8/10 (development platforms, administration), Linux Ubuntu/SUSE/Debian/Raspbian (user experience)

Languages & Protocols

C++(11, STL), C, C#, Matlab, Visual Basic, .NET, Win32API, Qt, Java, Subversion(svn), MS SQL, DCON, Modbus, RS-232, ARINC-429, TCP/IP

Software and Tools

Visual Studio (98, 05, 08, 15, 17), Qt SDK, Qt Creator, Qt Designer, MS Office API, LabView, MS Access, Eclipse IDE, NetBeans IDE,

Навчався в 1 закладі

National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Faculty of Aerospace Systems, Metrology and measuring technology

Kyiv, 2009

Володіє мовами


нижче середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

British Council Ukraine. Business English: BE7

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

British Council Ukraine: Business English: BE7

Киев, 2014

British Council Ukraine

Has attended Business English: BE7 and achieved the following result: Excellent.

Student ID: 7001473401

Александр Александрович

C/C++ developer/engineer


39 років

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