Працював в 7 компаніях 6 років 4 місяці
IT, Освіта
Android Team Lead
ELEKS (SportTech, MilTech)
1 рік 5 місяців
03.2022 - 08.2023
ROLE: Senior Android Engineer/Android Engineering TeamLead
RESPONSIBILITIES: gather requirements from client and help to convert them into features; being a "proxy" between the client, management, and engineering squads; estimate and plan team workload; manage engineering backlog; features development and release planning; team building and leadership; managing team meetings and brainstorming sessions; build, introduce and control team processes; co?educate team members and help them grow; foster inner culture development; share feedback; support old features and develop new ones; fix bugs; cover programming code with unit tests; code review; demonstrate results for client; communicate and sync with teammates; generate ideas regarding product improvements
TECH STACK: AndroidX (Core, Biometric, Startup, ViewPager2, LifeCycle, ViewModel, Room, Navigation + SafeArgs), Compose, Coroutines, WorkManager, Material/AppCompat, Google Play Services (Pay, Auth, Fitness, Maps), ExoPlayer2, Sentry/Crashlytics, OneSignal, Koin, Facebook Shimmer, Retrofit + OkHttp, Coil, Glide, Lottie, LaunchDarkly, Localazy, Amplitude, Timber, JUnit, Mockito, Robolectric, Turbine, WebRTC Android SDK
- together with my teammates, we helped to migrate whole client's app for new UI/UX and modern tech stack, which increased users' satisfaction (3.7 => 4.1) and total amount of active users
- with help of Android squad efforts, we introduced personal training plans for client's customers, which became a new significant source of income for client
- our team rebuilt open?source video sharing library and integrated it to a military app, successfully delivered to 90%+ drones pilots in Ukrainian army
- we significantly improved the quality of drone camera footage to enable Ukrainian officers to make much more accurate decisions during the war
Android engineer
Rocket Food Delivery (FoodTech)
1 рік 1 місяць
12.2020 - 01.2022
ROLE: Senior Android Engineer
RESPONSIBILITIES: support old features and develop new ones; fix bugs; cover features with unit tests; code review; demonstrate results for stakeholders; communicate and sync with teammates; estimate and plan personal workload; prepare and release apps to production; help with team management; co?educate team members and help them grow; share feedback; foster inner culture development; strategic team planning; product planning; generate ideas regarding product improvements
TECH STACK: Android Architecture Components, Navigation Architecture Component, Groupie, MVVM/MVI, Dagger2, Coroutines, Retrofit + OkHttp, WebSocket, SqlDelight, GSON, Firebase SDK (Messaging, Dynamic Links, Analytics), Coil, Lottie, Skeleton, Google Maps SDK, Fondy SDK, Stripe SDK, Google Pay SDK, AppSpector, Chucker, ShakeBugs, Sentry, AppsFlyer, Adjust, Zendesk SDK, JUnit 5, Mockk
- helped to migrate whole client app to new architecture, which increased app stability and reduced time to release new features
- streamlined management squad efforts by presenting bi?weekly sprint results
- took part in an app redesign: developed brand new promocodes screen, which helped to increase conversion into purchase by 23%
- increased app stability by fixing 30+ critical bugs
Android Team Lead
Axon Development Group/Paycasso Ltd (Security)
1 рік 6 місяців
05.2020 - 11.2021
ROLE: Middle+ Android Engineer/Android Engineering TeamLead
RESPONSIBILITIES: gather requirements from client and help to convert them into features; being a "proxy" between the client, management, and engineering squads; estimate and plan team workload; manage engineering backlog; features development and release planning; team building and leadership; managing team meetings and brainstorming sessions; build, introduce and control team processes; co?educate team members and help them grow; foster inner culture development; share feedback; support old features and develop new ones; fix bugs; cover programming code with unit tests; code review; create and integrate OCR mobile services; demonstrate results for client; communicate and sync with teammates; generate ideas regarding product improvements
TECH STACK: Android SDK 30, AndroidX AppCompat, Kotlin, Android Architecture Components, Navigation Architecture Component, MVVM, DI (Dagger2), Kotlin Coroutines, Paycasso SDK (face/docs scanning)
- managed the architectural migration of a key OCR mobile service, which helped to deliver fully customer?branded apps 8x faster
- delivered full integration of a turnkey OCR service to the major client's app (FinTech) ? as a result, this client became our business partner
Android engineer
SoftServe/IBM (Media)
1 рік
03.2019 - 03.2020
ROLE: Middle Android Engineer
RESPONSIBILITIES: support old features and develop new ones; fix bugs; cover features with unit tests; code review; demonstrate results for client; communicate and sync with teammates (multinational); estimate and plan personal workload
- helped to improve the weather application stability and usability, developing new features and fixing bugs
- increased company’s income and user retention by 30% with developing native video ads feature
Android engineer
Quantag IT Solutions GmbH (Security)
1 рік 3 місяці
12.2017 - 03.2019
ROLE: Junior Android Engineer
RESPONSIBILITIES: develop simple PoC mobile apps from the scratch; support old features and develop new ones; handle apps delivery; communicate and sync with teammates (multinational); communicate and sync with third?party service developers
TECH STACK: Android SDK 28, Android SDK 30, Android Things SDK 28, Support libraries 28.0.0, AndroidX AppCompat, Java 8, Kotlin, Firebase SDK (Authentication, Realtime Database, Storage, Cloud Functions), MVP/MVVM, SQLite (GreenDAO), DI (Dagger2, Koin), EZMCOM's SDKs (NFC ID/passport scanning, OCR ID/passport scanning, Facial recognition), AndroidX Biometric, Android Architecture Components, Navigation Architecture Component, NFC/BLE, RxKotlin + RxAndroid, Picasso
- delivered 14 different ticket sales apps, each branded for specific client
- developed fully functional IoT device for PoC project, dedicated for managing access to different types of vehicles through digital keys (NFC, BT)
- created software system, consisted from 2 Android apps (admin + client) and backend (based on Firebase), which helped client to manage access to their events, using our ID scanner and facial recognition
Android engineer
QFactory (Freelance)
6 місяців
06.2017 - 12.2017
ROLE: Trainee Android Engineer
RESPONSIBILITIES: develop separate app features; handle app delivery; communicate and sync with teammates; demonstrate results for US client
TECH STACK: Android SDK 25, Support libraries 25.3.1, Java 7, Realm, GSON, RxAndroid, RxJava, Picasso, Auth0 Lock, Amazon S3, FFMpeg, Superpowered SDK, Android NDK
- developed significant part of UI: survey screen with navigation drawer, photo selection screen, audio dialog, survey adding/editing dialog, confirmation dialogs ? all combined into smooth and functional experience for client's users
- set up authentication with help of Auth0, which increased users security
- delivered survey posting feature, which helped client to store his important business information in Amazon S3 bucket
- designed internal API to simplify working with RealmDB
- created video pitch shifting PoC application (using NDK), to help client advance with their business objectives
Android engineer
BIONIC University Internship Program (MedTech)
3 місяці
03.2017 - 06.2017
ROLE: Trainee Android Engineer
RESPONSIBILITIES: develop separate app features; handle app delivery; communicate and sync with teammates; demonstrate results for Netherlands client
TECH STACK: Android SDK 25, Support libraries 25.3.16, Java 7, SQLite, StorIO, Retrofit, Dagger, RxAndroid, RxJava, RxBinding, Butterknife, Picasso, Crashlytics
- set up local data storage, which helped client to use our app without Internet connection
- integrated custom audio/video player, which increased quality of viewing media content feature
- created user flow results screen
Ключова інформація
- Leadership and Coaching
- Strategic Planning
- Assembling Team and Distributing the Roles
- Communication, Influencing and Convincing, Motivation and Inspiration
- Structuring and Organising Large Amounts of Data
- Building Effective Systems of Outstanding Quality out of Vacuum
- Agile: Scrum, Kanban
- Jira, Trello
- Confluence
- Miro, Xmind
Programming languages: Kotlin, Java, C/C++
- Android SDK, Android NDK, AndroidX (Core, Biometric, Startup, ViewPager2, LifeCycle, ViewModel, Navigation + SafeArgs), Material/AppCompat, Compose, Coroutines/LiveData, SQLite (Room, greenDAO, SqlDelight), WorkManager, ExoPlayer2, Gradle, Git
- Google Play Services (Maps, Auth, Pay, Fitness), Firebase SDK (Auth, RTDB, Storage, Cloud Functions, Messaging, Dynamic Links, Analytics), Retrofit + OkHttp, WebSocket, OneSignal, WebRTC Android SDK
- GSON, Realm, Glide, Picasso, Coil, Lottie, Skeleton, Facebook Shimmer, LaunchDarkly, Dagger2/Koin, RxJava/RxKotlin + RxAndroid/RxBinding
- JUnit, Mockito/Mockk, Robolectric, Sentry/Crashlytics, AppSpector, Chucker, ShakeBugs, AppsFlyer, Localazy, Amplitude, Timber, Adjust, Zendesk SDK
- OpenCV, TensorFlow Lite, FFMpeg, NFC, BLE, Fondy SDK, Stripe SDK
- Deep Research and Analysis
- Making Conclusions and Summarising
- Clear Topic Explanation
- SMM and Advertising
- Google Sheets, Excel
- Creative Thinking and Brainstorming
- Abstract Thinking
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Adaptivity
- Joking ;)
- Presentation and Public Speaking
- Copywriting
- Explaining Complex Things with Simple Words and Perfectly Suited Visuals
- Content Management
- Google Slides, PowerPoint, Canva
- Figma
- LMS: Moodle, Zenedu
Навчався в 3 закладах
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Software engineering, Faculty of information technologies (FIT)
Kyiv, 2020
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Systems engineering, Faculty of informatics and computer techniques (FICT)
Kyiv, 2019
Ukrainian Physics and Math Lyceum of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Kyiv, 2015
Володіє мовами
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
OCA Java SE 8 Programmer, Oracle University
Score - 95%
Duration(hours) - 2,5
Term: October 2019
Android Dev-II, BIONIC School
Score - 91%
Duration(hours) - 20
Term: January 2017 - February 2017
Java Start, BIONIC School
Score - 81%
Duration(hours) - 36
Term: October 2016 - October 2016
Android Dev-I, BIONIC School
Score - 65%
Duration(hours) - 20
Term: November 2016 - December 2016
Додаткова інформація
- Skiing & Skating
- Surfing
- Traveling
- Cinema addiction
- Personality development
- Neurobiology
- Running
- Hiking
- Coaching
- Fallen in love with science
- Meditation
PROJECT: "NEOшкола" ? founded online school of personality development; guides people how to develop and implement their personality through finding their perfect craft and molding their identity
DURATION: May 2024 ? Sep 2024
ROLE: Founder/Project Manager/Content creator
RESPONSIBILITIES: launching surveys; market analytics; create project mind map; declare and publish NEOschool's manifest; create project roadmap; handle team meetings; design student journey; develop educational content (video, lessons, practical tasks, tests); reporting to investor; publish content in LMS; gather and analyze feedback from the audience
- Raised $20k to launch breakthrough educational project "NEOschool"
- Conducted a massive survey (90+ questions) and received 111 answers, which helped me to build a detailed customer portraits for 11 different audience segments
- Researched and analysed market, deriving metrics to calculate break?even points for 12 different MVP scenarios
- Declared a full project manifest (strategy, roadmap, mission, vision, values etc)
- Invented a one?of?a?kind educational journey of "NEOnization"
- Designed entire student journey map for "NEOschool" (5 modules, 150+ steps)
- Created and published content for the 1st module via LMS
- Recorded 7 video lessons, each accompanied with state?of?the?art manually crafted presentation
- Developed 6 practical tasks and 2 surveys
- Involved 10 pilot testers and gathered their feedback, converted into 15+ product improvement goals
PROJECT: "ЦМС | Цифрове Місце Сили" (Telegram) ? founded Telegram community for passionate Ukrainians to discuss Ukraine's vision and future
LINK: https://t.me/+lInPZQRgxDNmMWU1
DURATION: May 2022 ? Jul 2024
ROLE: Founder/Project Manager/Author
RESPONSIBILITIES: Telegram analytics; team hiring and management; manage budget; launching advertising campaigns; create project roadmap; declare and publish platform's mission, vision and values; handling subscribers community; develop content plan; create and publish content; negotiate and sell ads in the channel; crowdfund investments from the community; gather and analyze feedback
- Gained 3.8k subscribers in Telegram (on peak) and 150 subscribers on platform's YouTube (organically)
- Tested 7 different ad strategies and 34 marketing creatives
- Set up a donation infrastructure and crowdfunded over $1k from the audience
- Involved 2 freelance authors, posted 250+ unique blog publications
- Crafted, recorded and published on YouTube a roadmap presentation for the platform's major update (v2.0)
- Performed complex analytics of Israel's, Germany's, Japan's and Singapore's path, all converted into 30+ practical recommendations for future Ukraine
- Gathered 137 requests from Ukrainian citizens about the post?war country development process
- Developed AI?driven vision for Ukraine?2035, Ukraine?2075 and Ukraine?2125
- Designed integral model of post?war Ukraine's national project
- Achieved Senior level in Android Engineering (7 years)
- Graduated Bachelor in systems engineering and Master in software engineering
- Became a highly effective Team Leader
- Successfully healed 2 severe burnouts with help of 2 sabbaticals, dedicated to deep introspection (3 months and 6 months), which helped me to crystallise my own personality
- Defined Personal Constitution: fundamentals, personal conduct, values and life strategy, mission and vision, life roadmap for 1?2?5?10 years in advance
- Mastered meditation
- Touched upon various fields of knowledge and gained an extraordinary range of skills, as a result of my wanderings: systems and software engineering, management, marketing and advertising, SMM and blogging, copywriting and visualisation, politics and economics, physiology, biochemistry and biology, neuroscience, psychology and coaching, philosophy, metaphysics, etc
- Learned surfing basics
Dmytro Olegovych
Dmytro Olegovych
Android Team Lead
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повна зайнятість
Характер роботи: віддалена робота
Оновлено 1 день тому