Працював в 1 компанії   3 місяці


Front-end Developer



2 місяці

04.2024 - 06.2024

Project work
Creation from scratch of the front-end part of the site with a large number of animations, computational logic and the use of the Intersection Observer API (React-Intersection-Observer hook) to suit the customer’s needs.Developing custom Chrome extensions, such as an extension that finds all the images on a page and sorts them by the actual image size rather than the sizes that appear on the site (those images that are in a "lazy loading" state are also included) and the ability to download necessary images in the archive.

Ключова інформація

HTML5 / CSS3 / SASS / Responsive / Adaptive designJavaScript / React / Next / Redux / Redux ToolkitChrome ExtensionsPHP / MySQLREST API / Parcel / Webpack /GIT


Front-end Developer


30 років

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