Працювала в 5 компаніях   15 років 9 місяців

IT, Видавництва та Поліграфія, Інтернет

UI/UX / Motion / Graphic Designer

IGM Technology


4 роки 2 місяці

11.2019 - 01.2024

Website design development. Creating websites on CMS WordPress. Website layout (HTML, CSS). UI/UX design. Motion design. Creating infographics and materials for the website and social networks. Brochures, banners, business cards, booklets, logos, flyers.

Web / Motion / Graphic Designer

Freelance, self-employed


10 місяців

01.2019 - 11.2019

Website design development. Creating websites on CMS WordPress, Bitrix, Drupal, Joomla. Website layout (HTML, CSS). UI/UX design. Motion design. Creating Gif banners. Video production. Creating graphics objects in Vector (business cards, booklets, logos, flyers).

Web Designer

LLC "Key-Soft"


5 років 3 місяці

10.2013 - 01.2019

Website design development. UI/UX design. Creating graphics objects in Vector (business cards, booklets, logos, flyers).

Web Designer

Publishing group "Our product"

Видавництва та Поліграфія

4 роки 3 місяці

06.2009 - 09.2013

Website design development. Creating websites on CMS WordPress, Bitrix, Drupal, Joomla. Website layout (HTML, CSS). Creating Gif banners. Creating graphics objects in Vector (business cards, booklets, logos, flyers).

Web Designer

Merezha IT Co. - Consulting


1 рік

04.2008 - 04.2009

Website design development. Creating websites on CMS Bitrix. Website layout (HTML, CSS). Creating graphics objects in Vector (business cards, booklets, logos, flyers).

Ключова інформація


  • Web Design
  • Motion Design
  • 3D Modeling
  • UV Mapping
  • Texturing
  • Texture Baking
  • Rendering
  • Animation


  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Figma
  • Dreamweaver
  • After Effects
  • Premiere Pro
  • Unreal Engine 5
  • 3ds Max
  • V-Ray
  • Corona Renderer
  • RizomUV
  • Substance 3D Painter

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Specialist's degree, Banking

Kiev, 2001

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Bachelor's degree, Metallurgy. Physics of metals

Kiev, 1998

Володіє мовами





Додаткова інформація

Свій розділ

I have been working as a Web-Designer for over 16 years. I have been studying 3D graphics for about 4 years. At the moment, 3D is my hobby, but I would like to apply my skills to work.


Web Designer


47 років

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